Searching for the lost wagon train of 1845! Part 3

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In this video, Grumpy and I continue along the trail through some public land, into some private property, and on through both of our front yards. We also go to check out some of the artifacts that Grumpy has found in his yard, but things go wrong and his true Grumpy comes out...
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My great grandparents came to South Central Idaho in 1934 from Illinois with a team of horses and wagon. Still have the lantern, dutch oven and skillet they brought with them..I live near where they built a trail up the snake river canyon in South Central Idaho.


Hey Young Grumpy, i think back in the day they would scout out ahead to find the easy path. It is probably safe to say the scouts would have gone to the high ground to look for the easy trail. I think a drone really will help plotting a trail. Good luck and keep the adventure going.


An empty Derilict piece of land. Until two men with curiosity make it give up it's secrects. you truly don't know what went on outside your door. Thanks Guys!


I would agree with the last person and using a drone for a quick look at things. As long as a property owner doesn’t shoot it down. 😆 Some of the archeologists are using LIDAR hooked to a drone to cover a search area and then they can get rid of the vegetation and have a 3-D image of the area, but I’m sure that’s way too expensive. Y’all are doing great things and I wish I was there with ya!!! Good luck on more exploration!!


Hey guys, looking good. Keep in mind that the train would have had a scout picking the trail. If they didn't the train would have gotten boxed in pretty regular and turning a wagon and team around can be difficult. If you get confused, try finding a high spot, then use the drone to locate a known spot and search the route like the scouts did. Very interesting video, keep up the good work. I think losing your hammer and pry bar in the wilderness in 1845 would have been a major loss.


About how many wagons would be in a train like this to leave a trail? Or is it several wagon trains following each other to make the trail?


So are you saying that the MEEKS trail came through yours and Grumpy place


Was this just where one wagon train went through?


That was definitely interesting. Also great that it looks like the trail actually went over both your properties. More reason to get a metal detector and dig deeper and see what else can be unearthed at Grumpy's place! :-)

I look forward to the episode with the ambush site!

Thank you for yet another very interesting bit of rural archeology! :-)


Grumpy has made his mind up for the search of the trail I can't wait to follow the rest of this video I love the recovery's but this is exciting also thank you thank you thank you I don't mean to sound pathetic but I live in a remote area of Northern California I get limited reception I'm watching this video on a cell phone I get limited reception if I stand by a certain window in my cabin so trust me this is my only entertainment but it is so effing cool


Absolutely amazing - what the old timers did, years before Google anything, when travel was by horse & wagon using just the stars and sun positions only.
No others anywhere near - as they were the1st through, and with no idea what to actually aim at?
Oh and distant points that could be seen as they travelled were used as sight points, such as:
See that hill, far - far away - lets head for that..

And so we have a three part mini-series by Casey & Grumpy.
Trying to retrace the way that the old-time wagon train participants went.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Thank you Casey & Grumpy - for taking us with you.


Hey brother I love watching your recovery videos. But this quest for the trail is exciting also I dig it I love it sorry I'm from the 60s. Also grumpy seems to have a real deep-rooted interest in this Trail this is cool thank you so much for sharing I like watching your videos either way you guys too cool for school period Joe Dirt NorCal California Nevada City


Now you definitely need that metal detector to go find more tools on Grumpy's property!


Interesting, Casey & Tom! You finally told us Grumpy's name (at least in the videos I've seen)


You should try a drone to get a better view


I'm confused, but then I don't live in a desert either: Wouldn't the old tracks be eroded/washed away/overgrown long ago, unless they have been used all these years? And if have been used, how can you tell they are that old?


I would think they would look at game trails. This gives them sources of food and water.


Grumpy's real name is Tom? thats some insider info right there


I've really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing!


Hey Casey there is a guy in Oregon who knows about old homesteads in Oregon his name ironically Casey Coyote Works on u tube
