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"Countdown" Project for Typography and Motion school class
"Students will storyboard, design and animate a 60 sec countdown manipulating the sense of time and space."

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Original music by: Sebastjohn King of "The Gibson Block"

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Рекомендации по теме

60-57: Sleeping
56: Waking up
55: Out of the bed
54-50: Checking the clock
50-49: Gasp
48: Started Running
47-45: Going upstairs and outside
40-39: Out of the house
38-33: Running to nextdoor
32-30: Passed out the stairs
29-24: Running in the hallway/lobby
23: Running in the hallway/lobby part 2
22: Does the backflip
21: Continues running
20-17: Going downstairs
15: Running in the lower ground floor
14-12: Running in the lockers
11-2: Running almost a bit late
2: Time is 8:00am
1: Starts panicking
0: Dies immediately


Every number:
60: Sleeping
59: Still sleeping
58: S L E E P I N G
57: donemakingthesillynoise??
56: Wakes up
55: not running
54: seeing the time
53: not running
52: still not running
51: N O T R U N N I N G

50: Waiting for gasp:
49: GASP!!
48: Running
47: Going upstairs
46: Still going upstairs
45: G O I N G D O W N S T A I R S
44: into the door
43: at the door
42: opens door
41: going outside

40: going downstairs
39: still going downstairs
38: walking
37: camera split, walking further
36: more further
33: turning
32: going downstairs:
31: still going downstairs

30: GoInG DoWnStAiRs
29: going to the door
28: first person going downstairs
27: to the door
26: goes down mini stairs
25: opens door
24: in the hall
23: about to backflip
22: BACKFLIP OMG!!! (laughing noise)
21: running more

20: going downstairs
19: goes down other stairs
17: not going down other stairs??
16 running fast
14: goes past lockers
13: goes past more lockers
12: finished locker passing???
11: going to school
9: almost at the door
8:almost almost at the door
7: almost almost almost at the door
6: at the door
5:opens door
4: 7:59
3: 8:00
2: waiting for lesson
1: heartbeat


60-57: Sleeping
56: Waking up
55-50: See time
49: Yelling
48-43: Run away from home
42: onening door
41-39: Smalest scairs
38-30: Walking
29-26: Running
25: Opening door [Again]
24-23: See on new things
22: Laughing
21-17: Faster running
16-15: Canteen
14-10: Going to school
09-01 Waiting for lesson
00: Dead


60 to 56 sleeping
55 to 50 wake up
49 gasp
47 to 45 up stairs
40 to 48 outside
37 to 34 walking to the street
32 to 30 down stairs
29 to 25 quick as get to the door
24 to 21 walking to the tunnel (22 back flip)
20 to 17 more down stairs
16 to 12 walking to the hall (16 started heart attack)
10 to 1 finally made it to the door (1 stop heart attack)
0 died


60: Time hits 7.59
59, 58: Sleeping
57: Waking up
56: Yawning
55: Stepping onto the floor
54, 53, 52, 51: Checking time
50, 49: Fear
48: Start rushing
47, 46, 45, 44, 43: Going downstairs (it was upstairs but IDC)
42, 41: Opening door
40: Going outside
39: Going down house steps
38, 37, 36, 35, 34: Running across pavement
33: Turning
32, 31, 30, 29, 28: Going down stairs to work
27, 26, 25: Opening door to work house
24, 23: Running through work house
22: Flip for no reason
21: Start of heart attack (minor)
20: Going crazy
19, 18, 17: Going down more stairs
16: Running through work house
15, 14, 13, 12: Rushing to that door in extreme stress
11: Heart attack becomes major
10, 9, 8, 7, 6: Final steps towards door
5: Finally reached door
4, 3: Struggling to open door
2: Time hits 8.00
1: Final chance of opening the door
0: Paralysis, then unconsciousness


I love the way the number´s heart starts beating as it reaches 0. I can start to hear it at 24.


60 sec - 5 sec
55 sec - 10 sec
50 sec - 15 sec
45 sec - 20 sec
40 sec - 25 sec
35 sec - 30 sec
30 sec - 35 sec
25 sec - 40 sec
20 sec - 45 sec
15 sec - 50 sec
10 sec - 55 sec
5 sec - 60 sec
0 sec - 0 sec


Everything that happens in the numbers. (REVAMP AFTER A YEAR!)
60: Sleeping
59: Still Sleeping
58: S L E E P I N G
57: stopped doing dumb noise??!!?!??!!
56: gets up
55: not moving
54: still not moving
53: bro is blind
52: finishing the blindness
51: realising
50: about to gasp
49: nice gasp
48: Run
47: running to stairs
46: going up the stairs

45: still going up the stairs
44: goes to door
43: at the door
42: opens door
41: go through door
40: going down door stairs
39: Walk
38: Walkin
37: camera behind, still walk though
36: Walkin further
33: turns
32: goin downstairs outside
31: still goin downstairs
30: reaches the 2nd stairs
29: first-person going down stairs
28: still going downstairs
27: finishes going downstairs
26: goes down mini stairs
25: walks to door
24: going through hallway
23: about to backflip
22: OMG BACKFLIP OMG!!!! (cheerful laughs and giggles)
21: lands from backflip
20: goes downstairs again
19: goes to the other stairs
18: goes down other stairs
17: finishes going down other stairs
16: passing through tables and all
15: goes to another scene
14: walks by lockers
13: walks by more lockers
12: finishes going locker hallway
11: Goes to door
10: almost at door
9: almost almost at door
8: at door
7: opens door
6: go through door
5: new scene appears
4: 7:59
3: 8:00
2: about to change scenes
1: heartbeat


60-57: спит, 56: проснулся, 55-50: посмотрел время
49: испугался
48-41: побежал
40-39: открыл дверь
38-33: идёт пешком
32-25: побежал в школу
24-23: Есения
22: смеётся
21-15: побежал куда-то
14-10: сердце стучится
9-3: бежит к двери
2: уже время 8 часов утра
1: Это последняя очень И 0: он умер


[ ALL NUMBER THING THAT HE DOES ] (includes every number*)

60, 59, 58, sleeping
57, wakes up on bed
56, tries going on floor
55, arrives to the floor
54, 53 stay still
52, looks clock (blur)
51, sees clock (unblur)
50, shock
49, jump
48, arrived to floor after jumping and runs
47, walks around room
46, 45, goes on stairs
44, arrives to main floor
43, goes to door
42, opens door
41, decides to go
40, goes down entrance stairs

39, runs to number's left
38, 37, 36, 35, runs pathway
34, runs to number's left a g a i n (like 39)
33, sees stairs
32, 31, goes downstairs
30, goes to other downstairs
29, 28, finishes downstairs2
27, 26, 25, runs to door
24, goes out darkness
23, runs through the house pathway
22, does a flip and laughs
21, continues running house pathway
20, goes downstairs from near entrance1
19, 18, stops at the middle of the stairs
17, goes downstairs near the entrance2
16, 15, goes running to entrance
14, opens door and starts running
13, starts running
12, arrives to room and goes directly to another one
11, goes to that door
10, opens that door
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, tries to open door
1, very stressed
0, falls stressfuly beacouse he's tired


60-56 sleep
49 shock
47-45 stairs
40 outside
39-34 walk on street
33-30 street stairs
24-21 walk in tunel (22 backflip)
20-17 more stairs
14-12 walk to hall
1 arribe
0 death/fall/sit/brake


Sixty to Fifty-Eight: Sleeping.
Fifty-Seven to Fifty-Six: He wakes up.
Fifty-Five to Fifty-One: Checks the time.
Fifty to Forty-Nine: GASP!😮😮😮
Forty-Eight to Forty-Three: running
Forty-Two: He opens the door.
Forty-One to Thirty-Nine: Goes downstairs.
Thirty-Eight to Thirty: Walks upstairs
Twenty-Nine to Twenty Six: Running faster than he was in his room.
Twenty-Five: Opening the school door.
Twenty-Four to Twenty Two: He sees lots of pictures.
Twenty-One to Seventeen: Running super fast!
Sixteen to Fifteen: Canteen
Fourteen to Ten: Goes to school
Nine to Six: Last steps too the door.
Five: He finally came to the door.
Four to Three: Opens the door.
Two: The clock goes to Eight o’ clock.
One: He got a heart attack.
Zero: OOF!!!! He fell over!


I was less than 5 years old when this was made


Wow! I have seen before I was 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old! :)


0:05 I found Birch font, that is used for numbers 60-0!


The sound makes me calm, and the screen makes me laugh


"You have 60 seconds to go to the office".
60:shut up im sleeping


This music I’m trying to find is by far the rarest song in the entire of YouTube, The Gibson Block sounded different, No one commented the song name, and *even the song is not on Google Search!* Why is this song so catchy? I bet this Sebastjohn King’s type of Music is way more valuable than The Shape Of You, FOR THE LOVE OF THIS VIDEO SOMEONE TELL ME, I ALSO WANTED THE 10 HOUR VERSION OF THIS TOO!


Is that song made in the late 1800’s or in this century?


I renember watching this when i was 5 years old
