Logical Framework Explained

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The Logical Framework model, sometimes referred to as the logframe, is the the most common framework used in designing a project’s Monitoring and Evaluation plan. This is because of the model’s simple approach in explaining the project’s goals. It shows the direct path that the project will take and is presented by creating a table. It also easily presents all of the information of the project’s monitoring and evaluation plan in one place. The model can work as an implementation tool helping to identify how the project will be implemented.

To design a logical framework, the impact and overall goals of the project will be identified along with its associated indicators listed in the next column. The following column will identify the collection method that will be utilised. Finally, the last column of the logical framework model will identify the given assumptions associated with the information that is being collected.

An assumption will identify what conditions the project is expecting to be in place in order for the activities to produce the intended results. It identifies the factors that the project team is unable to control. For example, assumptions might include things like necessary climate conditions or a stable government, without the existence of these conditions the intended results might not occur. Identifying the assumptions works as a disclaimer for project planners when presenting their expected results.
The logical framework model is effective because it should be able to answer the “If, then” logic of a project’s implementation which can be identified by looking at the table. This “If, then” logic is best demonstrated by the image below. If the appropriate inputs are in place then the necessary project activities will occur. If the activities occur then it will result in the intended outputs, etc.

In order to know that you have created an effective and valid logical framework model you should conduct this vertical test by looking at the table you have created starting from the bottom working up vertically (in the table above). This is known as the logic test, and should pass the if, then logic working upwards.

For example: working to provide reproductive health services in rural Uganda, the inputs will be the safe birthing kits utilised to provide the necessary health services, the activities will include training of reproductive health service providers, the outputs will be an increased number of service providers, the outcomes will be an increased number of women receiving pre and postnatal care and the impact will be a decrease in the maternal mortality rate. Thinking through the project phase in this manner enables a linear way to create a project’s monitoring and evaluation plan.

Utilizing this simple approach also enables for the potential of greater stakeholder support because the project’s plan and its evaluation strategy is easily understood and direct. Also because it is such a utilised form of program planning in international development more than likely, an intervention will utilise some variation of this approach when presenting project’s implementation plan.
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Best explanation I've gotten on the logframe. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for a well articulated presentation. Could you also kindly elaborate more on what constitutes outputs for a novice. This did not come out very clearly to me in the video, especially the difference between outputs and outcomes; examples would, no doubt, be helpful. I would also be much obliged if you could elaborate more on what would constitute a programme; that for me is a lot clearer in project management but not so clear in a situation where the goal is to reform a cohort of state-owned enterprises falling under different ministries. Would that be referred to as a programme or theme?
