Deploying Blazor Mini Course: GitHub Actions and Continuous Delivery

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Deploying Blazor is really easy. But instead of me just showing you a few magic steps, we are going to break down the deployment process and understand each piece well. That way, you are prepared to use each step in the real world with a real project.

In the last video, we created a Blazor Server project and displayed the connection string, we set up a GitHub repository, and we configured our Azure Web app that we want to deploy to. Now in this video, we are going to set up the GitHub Action to deploy our site automatically when we commit code to the repository.


Just tried all this with .Net 8 Blazor (including the publish to Azure). Steps are identical, and screens are 95% the same as well. Very easy to follow, thanks.


Amazing as always! Would be nice to see best practices in creating self hosted runners and deployments with actions for IIS servers. :)


Why would you choose GitHub actions over Azure DevOps or vice-versa?


I dont have Deployment Section or Deployment Center, after Events next section is Settings. Any way to add this?


Hi Tim! First of all thanks for the great video! I'm using .NET 7.0 and when I publish my app through Github Actions it works but I get the Application Error message when accessing the website, so I tried through the publication interface in VisualStudio, and it shows an error in Swagger, and I can't find what could be . I checked the dependencies and everything seems to be fine


Hi Tim.

Tried to comment with links but seems to be removed.

MS docs are saying that this isn't possible with Linux. Tried to do what you did here with Linux an all I get is: "Your web app is running and waiting for your content"

In the previous video you've used Linux in Azure, but I assume you're using Windows for this showcase?

Thanks for great video content!


Hello tim, why would we want to add another level of complexity while we can push directly github? are there any benefits?
Thank you.


hey bro thanks for sharing this videos. :D


Thanks for teach us sir. please tell me what's wrong with I got this error while deploying in GitHub. I used same config as yours.

"Specify which project or solution file to use because this folder contains"


Hello i did everything same but i am getting error on deployment -> Unable to find any artifacts for the associated workflow. And when it comes to build it gives a warning for this " The "--output" option isn't supported when building a solution" and also this " No files were found with the provided path: /home/runner/.dotnet/myapp. No artifacts will be uploaded." my yml file same as your yml file i don't know why but something wrong can you help me ?


Does the same can be done with gitlabs ?


Hi Tim, I think you have a very bad support team. I have been emailing them since 5 May and I am not getting any relevant response.
