C# Full Course for free 🎮

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C# tutorial beginners full course (C# for Unity)
#C# #tutorial #Unity
⭐️Time Stamps⭐️
#1 (00:00:00) C# tutorial for beginners
#2 (00:06:30) output 💬
#3 (00:10:48) variables ✖️
#4 (00:19:32) constants π
#5 (00:20:35) type casting 💱
#6 (00:27:49) user input ⌨️
#7 (00:31:24) arithmetic operators 🧮
#8 (00:35:54) Math class 📏
#9 (00:40:55) random numbers 🎲
#10 (00:44:27) hypotenuse calculator program 📐
#11 (00:46:35) string methods 🔤
#12 (00:53:26) if statements 🤔
#13 (00:59:43) switches 🔀
#14 (01:02:50) logical operators && || 🔣
#15 (01:06:36) while loops ♾️
#16 (01:09:45) for loops 🔁
#17 (01:13:24) nested loops ➿
#18 (01:18:28) number guessing game 🔢
#19 (01:27:08) rock-paper-scissors game 🗿
#20 (01:38:52) calculator program 🖩
#21 (01:46:53) arrays 🚗
#22 (01:52:50) foreach loop ➰
#23 (01:54:42) methods 📞
#24 (02:00:37) return keyword ↩️
#25 (02:04:12) method overloading 🤯
#26 (02:05:44) params keyword ⚙️
#27 (02:08:52) exception handling ⚠️
#28 (02:13:53) conditional operator ❓
#29 (02:16:53) string interpolation 💲
#30 (02:20:18) multidimensional arrays ⬜
#31 (02:25:23) classes 📦
#32 (02:30:07) objects 🧍‍♂️
#33 (02:34:58) constructors 👷
#34 (02:40:41) static 🚫
#35 (02:45:43) overloaded constructors 🍕
#36 (02:50:04) inheritance 👪
#37 (02:54:32) abstract classes 👻
#38 (02:57:08) array of objects 🏬
#39 (03:00:57) objects as arguments 🧳
#40 (03:05:15) method overriding 🙅
#41 (03:09:07) ToString method 💭
#42 (03:12:34) polymorphism 🎭
#43 (03:17:44) interfaces 🐟
#44 (03:23:22) Lists 📃
#45 (03:30:07) List of objects 🦸‍♂️
#46 (03:33:35) getters & setters 🔒
#47 (03:37:41) auto implemented properties 🔐
#48 (03:40:26) enums 🪐
#49 (03:47:33) generics ⁉️
#50 (03:52:56) multithreading 🧶

music credits 🎼 :
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0

Copyright Disclaimer:

This video is the intellectual property of Bro Code. All rights reserved. No part of this video may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to recording, uploading, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without my written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Рекомендации по теме

_Like_ this video and leave a random _comment_ to *break the Youtube algorithm* 👊
Don't let my hard work go to waste 😭
⭐️Time Stamps⭐️
#1 (00:00:00) C# tutorial for beginners
#2 (00:06:30) output 💬
#3 (00:10:48) variables ✖️
#4 (00:19:32) constants π
#5 (00:20:35) type casting 💱
#6 (00:27:49) user input ⌨️
#7 (00:31:24) arithmetic operators 🧮
#8 (00:35:54) Math class 📏
#9 (00:40:55) random numbers 🎲
#10 (00:44:27) hypotenuse calculator program 📐
#11 (00:46:35) string methods 🔤
#12 (00:53:26) if statements 🤔
#13 (00:59:43) switches 🔀
#14 (01:02:50) logical operators && || 🔣
#15 (01:06:36) while loops ♾️
#16 (01:09:45) for loops 🔁
#17 (01:13:24) nested loops ➿
#18 (01:18:28) number guessing game 🔢
#19 (01:27:08) rock-paper-scissors game 🗿
#20 (01:38:52) calculator program 🖩
#21 (01:46:53) arrays 🚗
#22 (01:52:50) foreach loop ➰
#23 (01:54:42) methods 📞
#24 (02:00:37) return keyword ↩️
#25 (02:04:12) method overloading 🤯
#26 (02:05:44) params keyword ⚙️
#27 (02:08:52) exception handling ⚠️
#28 (02:13:53) conditional operator ❓
#29 (02:16:53) string interpolation 💲
#30 (02:20:18) multidimensional arrays ⬜
#31 (02:25:23) classes 📦
#32 (02:30:07) objects 🧍‍♂️
#33 (02:34:58) constructors 👷
#34 (02:40:41) static 🚫
#35 (02:45:43) overloaded constructors 🍕
#36 (02:50:04) inheritance 👪
#37 (02:54:32) abstract classes 👻
#38 (02:57:08) array of objects 🏬
#39 (03:00:57) objects as arguments 🧳
#40 (03:05:15) method overriding 🙅
#41 (03:09:07) ToString method 💭
#42 (03:12:34) polymorphism 🎭
#43 (03:17:44) interfaces 🐟
#44 (03:23:22) Lists 📃
#45 (03:30:07) List of objects 🦸‍♂️
#46 (03:33:35) getters & setters 🔒
#47 (03:37:41) auto implemented properties 🔐
#48 (03:40:26) enums 🪐
#49 (03:47:33) generics ⁉️
#50 (03:52:56) multithreading 🧶

Code from each topic can be found pinned underneath each video in the C# playlist on the channel homepage


Who the hell disliked it..He is strugling day and night to provide us knowledge....shame on you to dislike such wonderful BRO for such amazing Knowledge Transfer.


I've watched C# tutorials from a number of channels like Tim Corey, Mosh Hamedani, etc
but this course is by far the best.
Simple, easy and quick.
I hope you create advanced C# tutorials. Free or paid course, I'm in


I don't post a lot of comments but I will here. You make learning C# so easy. You don't fill in the videos with pointless fluff to increase the length. You get right to the point and explain the concepts clearly and intelligently. You've broken this training video up into smaller parts that can easily be searched which makes going back to it for a refresher perfect. Thank you!


I am 42 years old and learning to code for the first time. You explain this better than my professor in community college and the text book that I am using.


I always wonder how Bro Code learned a language without the Bro Code tutorial

Great work man - keep it up!


watched your full python course and bought a book 2 years ago, here I am learning c# for school 👍 lots of good has come from just taking up a hobby and trying to automate stuff to make life easier. sincerely, thank you Bro Code.


Thank you so much for this whole course. The fact that this is free for anybody to use is so amazing. Keep up the good work!


Found this channel on accident via yt recomend, this vid finally broke my cycle of getting a random burst to want to learn C# and then doing nothing about it, Thanks to this I finally understand how to do it. Thanks!


One of the best beginner courses I ever watched, period. Not just C#, but in general.
They way you explain things is perfect and easy to understand. HUGE THANK YOU, BRO!


I just want to say that I have an interview scheduled for C# and I'm referring to this for learning that and I couldn't be more grateful to you man, you make me feel like Youtube is the best invention to ever exist, Love the work that you're doing !


I was expecting to spend thousands of dollars to develop software for a project of mine, but this has allowed me to build it myself and make the necessary changes that I need without the need for outside help. Thank you!


Best free tutorials on YouTube. Easy to understand and follow along. Thank you for all the time you take into these videos. Helps everyone out!


This guy is truly an inspiration! Hes giving time out of his day to help people out. We appreciate bro!


Dude this helped me so much, I’m learning c# to use with unity and go into game development, this was a huge help! After this, all I had to do was watch a few basic tutorials for unity because it has its own classes and methods, and I’m already improving with making games. The fact that this is free is absolute insanity to me, not even any ads!


Yo, just leaving "random" comment. As someone who has some c# knowledge, I still learned a few new things and I'm very impressed with the extremely high quality of your content. You are awesome!


Thank you for everything that you do for our community and beginners like myself. I am spreading the word around about your channel! You are the best!


This is a perfect cheat sheet to use when I don't understand lectures. Thank you for this bountiful knowledge!


Found your Python course and, for the time being, had to learn some C# and here you are again. You're a godsend, man


@BroCodez Great tutorial. I'm just starting to learn C # and picked your tutorial to start with the basics and I gotta say I dig your format and the way you break down the concepts in your videos. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
