Atari VCS Replied... And you Aren't Gonna Like Their 'RESPONSE'!

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The Atari VCS had a extremely successful launch for their indiegogo campaign. As time has gone on, more questions have begun to rise, and answers have been mysteriously absent.
I sent an inquiry to discuss this openly with the head of the Atari VCS project, and you're not going to like their answer....


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Smash JT... want answers? Here is the answer:

The Atari VCS isn’t about making a console. It’s about putting a pretty bow on Atari and it’s penny stock.

Fred Chesnais is desperately looking for an out and to sell Atari and walk away with some $$$ in his pocket.

This is all about smoke & mirrors to make Atari attractive to find someone to buy them.

It’s stock is flatlined so it’s obvious it’s not working and the Atari SA board (formerly Infogrames) is rapidly growing impatient with Chesnais and his string of failures.

Re: Todd, he’s been with Atari for quite a few years, he was doing IP licensing. He’s actually a great guy but in a bad company.

Back to what’s in the VCS.... nothing, it’s still just an empty shell that someone from Sonos designed as a favor for Atari last year.

What’s Atari doing with the 3mill? Well they are spending it on PR to upsell themselves to be bought out. They are still sitting on several vanilla AMD dev boards and some boot images of Ubuntu - nothing else.

I’ve spilled more than I should for now, more to come.


I really hope this doesn’t end in just a huge scam, thank you JT for all the ground work and keeping us up to date.


This is great lol. Where were you during the coleco chameleon bullshit?? Would have loved to see you cover that.



K. Rool?

This gets deeper by the minute. Stash your bananas folks. Atari is coming for them!


Sounds like a steam box that's years late to the party inside an Atari themed (PR dumpster fire) case.


Love this follow-up, JT! Appreciate all of the research you put into showing the current Atari for what it really is...a name, and name only. I only hope that a real console hits the market and becomes something new instead of a rehash.


This just gets scammyer by the day .The backers deserve better than this sh** . I’m really enjoying this story . Keep posting these videos man .


Marketing department's functions IS supposed to provide positive feedback about their product. That's their job


I feel....almost terrible for the people supporting this thing. All we've seen is a box, controllers and no games past what we've already seen from Atari. I don't know about you but no games means no money from me. The fact that they are keeping people in the dark and deflecting questions and criticism reaks of shady.

This has SCAM written all over it.

Get an XBOX, get a PS4, get a Switch. But please stay away from THIS.


What happen to the days where we just waited for a product to appear on the shelf. If I was atari I would do some kit. Chips, boards, something that shows this thing doing something


Does the VCS come with an Atari Speaker hat?


For 300 bucks a pop artz needs to be including lip service


Hey Smash, keep up the great work!! Keep pushing Atari, well the new Atari.


Final product: a plastic box with a raspberry pi (wood version is a piece of paper) the controller just a reskin Xbox controller


I’ve got to say I started watching you about 3 days ago, and I absolutely love your work.


Good intel. Did you by any chance order one?


If you really think about it, is there anything about this VCS that an average Atari fan wants that they couldn’t get by spending $60 bucks today for a flashback HD retro 2600? Do Atari fans give a crap about Linux or voice control or streaming? Do you care about new games they haven’t even announced? Seriously, I’m already sick of T4K and I haven’t even played it yet.

For a fraction of the cost of the VCS you can be playing Pit Fall tonight and have it all out of your system in a week. Or you could pay $350, wait a year and have the same experience. If they even deliver.

There, I just saved you $300 and a year of your life. Why not send a few of those bucks you just saved to the guys who make these videos. Just a thought.


It makes me remember the indiegogo campaign for that device that supossedely extracts water from the air. They only made a good looking wishful thinking video on how the device was supposed to look like and work, under the same "illustration purposes", but they had nothing, only after they got the money, they started researching and developing, and of course, it was a disaster, the end product wasn't even close to what the video shown. It wasn't a scam, because they really tried to make the product. Unfortunately they overestimated the idea by far. I think if you mix the water-from-air device with the Ouya, you have the Atari VCS story. I think they don't have it, and in the end, all investors will get is an entry-level PC with Linux with a bunch of emulators inside a nice Atari looking carcass for $300, no added value.


I know a lot about the Atari VCS. RGT guy was right, the videos were faked. With that being said the Atari will easily play those games that were faked in the video. This system will be the equivalent of a very cheap used laptop (I can find one for around $70.00). The System will easily emulate Atari 2600, 5200, 8 Bit Computers + Jaguar games. They have a ton of very to use emulators for all Atari systems.
The only thing I like about this new Atari VCS is the looks and I'm not guying a system for looks.
If Atari wanted to impress us they should of at least made it compatible with the old paddle controllers. At least with my emulators and an USBdaptor I can use all original controllers. Atari is really dropping the ball here. I know tons of people who would buy the system if they just added Warlords online play (which you can do now through 3rd party). The system will also play some new games just like a cheap used laptop will.
As it stands now I'll just stick with my emulators.

So to make it clear: ATARI will easily have the system running those games that it faked in the videos....but who
Atari obviously treats it's customers like shit and the players will in return treat Atari even worse (Beamdog didn't learn with Baldur's Gate Enhanced).



Atari VCS Rep: "Womp Womp"...
