Build Update: Making A Staircase || Dr Decks

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We've gotten most of the deck done and now we need to build a staircase and attach it to the deck. So we do just that.

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I've built a lot of stairs. We get some ice from time to time so I started raising the bottom of the stringer so the nose of the steps were 1/4' above level. That way you would slide into the stair instead of off it. You could never feel the difference and it made it much easier to get up and down in the winter. I got the idea after sliding off of one too many steps. Customers loved it.


Question, we haven't found any tapes that are UV warranted... Have you?

We're using Sherwin Williams fluid applied flashing/sausage tubes. It does have UV warranted protection


Thanks for this one. I’m getting ready to install stairs on my deck (with bladder). Very helpful!!


With stringers so close together the deflection of the deck boards is not an issue, really, but the solid risers do make the whole assembly better and help brace the stringers from twisting.


How do you account for the extra lateral and vertical forces of adding the stairs since they are supported by the deck? Any potential concerns?


First, I don't think the stairs he's building are to code. Most towns require a platform every 147" of run. I counted 14 treads with 10.75 inch treads or 150.5 total stair run. He needs to make the last step a platform. If someone fell down those long steps, he'll probably be sued. Even when you are close to the 147" max run, it's best to do a design with a platform for safety. Falling down 14 steps will kill you. Installing risers has nothing to do with the number of stringers. Stringers are a maximum of 16" on center when using PVC 5/4" decking, just like on the deck itself. 5 stringers is unnecessary as 4 stringers would give you up to 48" wide steps. You'd rather not have unnecessary stringers as too many stringers can cause issues with the treads. Not sure if the riser block in the middle is permanent, if you install on one step, every step needs one. The optimum riser/tread ratio is 2r + t= 25, which would make his treads 10.75. He seems a little foggy on stair requirements as the width of the deck boards has nothing to do with tread depth. Tread depth is determined by the riser height. Always pour the stair end support first, it's simple math to locate. Digging holes and shoveling in concrete with the steps installed is a clown show. The midway stair support is code on long deck stairs, I think a 6 foot maximum run is allowed before a stringer support is needed.  He needs to go back and understand stairs a little better, stair mistakes can be deadly.


5 stringers and 2x8 risers on a 36" stair is such a waste of time and money. People really can't control their emotions and think logically.


#how to build one set of stairs in the 4 days 😂
