Biotechnology and its Applications

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Biology (Zoology Grade 12): High School Learning: Biotechnology and its Applications

-Applications of Biotechnology- (00:28-00:41 )
-Genetically Modified Crops for Agriculture
-Processed Food
-Waste Treatment
-Energy Production

-Three Critical Research Areas of Biotechnology- (00:41-01:04)
-Providing Best Catalyst in the Form of Improved Organism.
-Creating Optimal Conditions Through Engineering for a Catalyst to Act.

-Downstream Processing Technologies to Purify the Protein /Organic Compound.

-Bio technology Appplications in Agriculture-(01:04-01:22)

-Three Options that can be Thought for Increasing Food
-Organic Agriculture
-Genetically Engineered Crop -Based Agriculture.

-Green Revolution- (01:22-02:39)

-Effects of Green Revolution- (02:39-03:45)

-Genetically Modified Organism- (03:45-04:39)

-Pest Resistant Plants – (04:39-05:26)

-Bt Toxin- (05:26-07:03)

-RNA interface- (07:03-07:45)

-Pest Resistant Plants- (07:45-09:02)

-Host Plant –Generated dsRNA triggers Protections ==Nematode Infestations- (09:02-09:05)

-Biotechnological Applications in Medicine- (09:05-09:45)

-Insulin- (09:45-11:25)

-Diagram of Pro-Insulin into Insulin After Removal of Cpeptide- (11:25-11:34)

-Gentically Enineered Insulin- (11:34-12:14)

-Gene Therapy- (12:14-12:54)

-Adenisine Deaminase (ADA) Deficiency & Gene Therapy- (12:54-14:09)

-Molecular Diagnosis-(14:09-14:41)

-Polymerase Chain Reaction- (14:41-15:29)

-Recombinant DNA Technology- (15:29-15:56)

-Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay- (15:56-16:17)

-Transgenic Animals- (16:17-16:45)

-Benefits of Transgenic Animals- (16:45-18:15)

-Ethical Issues- (18:15-19:04)

-Biopiracy- (19:04-19:20)

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