SQL Window Functions Explained: ROW_NUMBER, RANK & DENSE_RANK
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In this video, we'll dive into SQL Window Functions, specifically focusing on ROW_NUMBER, RANK, and DENSE_RANK. You'll learn how to use these functions to:
Fetch Top N Records: Retrieve the top 2 employees from each department.
Rank Employees: Identify the top 3 employees by salary in each department.
Understand Ranking Differences: See how ROW_NUMBER, RANK, and DENSE_RANK work with sample data.
We'll also solve an interview problem on energy consumption using SQL window functions.
drop table employee;
create table employee
( emp_ID int
, emp_NAME varchar(50)
, DEPT_NAME varchar(50)
, SALARY int);
insert into employee values(101, 'Mohan', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(102, 'Rajkumar', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(103, 'Akbar', 'IT', 4000);
insert into employee values(104, 'Dorvin', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(105, 'Rohit', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(106, 'Rajesh', 'Finance', 5000);
insert into employee values(107, 'Preet', 'HR', 7000);
insert into employee values(108, 'Maryam', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(109, 'Sanjay', 'IT', 6500);
insert into employee values(110, 'Vasudha', 'IT', 7000);
insert into employee values(111, 'Melinda', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(112, 'Komal', 'IT', 10000);
insert into employee values(113, 'Gautham', 'Admin', 2000);
insert into employee values(114, 'Manisha', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(115, 'Chandni', 'IT', 4500);
insert into employee values(116, 'Satya', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(117, 'Adarsh', 'HR', 3500);
insert into employee values(118, 'Tejaswi', 'Finance', 5500);
insert into employee values(119, 'Cory', 'HR', 8000);
insert into employee values(120, 'Monica', 'Admin', 5000);
insert into employee values(121, 'Rosalin', 'IT', 6000);
insert into employee values(122, 'Ibrahim', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(123, 'Vikram', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(124, 'Dheeraj', 'IT', 11000);
select * from employee
order by dept_name, emp_id desc
-- 1) Fetch the first 2 employees from each department to join the company.
select *
from (
select *
, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by emp_id) as rn
from employee
) emp_new
-- 2) Fetch the top 3 employees in each department earning the max salary.
select * from employee
select *
from (
select *
, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rn
, rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rnk
from employee
) emp_new
select *
, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rn
, rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rnk
, dense_rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as dn_rnk
from employee
-- Interview problem 1
/* Find the date with the highest total energy consumption from the Meta/Facebook data centers.
Output the date along with the total energy consumption across all data centers.
If there are multiple days with same highest energy consumption then display both dates.
select * from fb_eu_energy;
select * from fb_asia_energy;
select * from fb_na_energy;
drop table fb_eu_energy;
create table fb_eu_energy
date date,
consumption int
drop table fb_asia_energy;
create table fb_asia_energy
date date,
consumption int
drop table fb_na_energy;
create table fb_na_energy
date date,
consumption int
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-01',400);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-02',350);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-03',500);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-04',500);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-07',600);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-01',400);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-02',400);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-04',675);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-05',1200);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-06',750);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-07',400);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-01',250);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-02',375);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-03',600);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-06',500);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-07',250);
with cte as
(select * from fb_eu_energy
union all
select * from fb_asia_energy
union all
select * from fb_na_energy),
cte_agg as
(select date, sum(consumption) as total_consumption
, rank() over(order by sum(consumption) desc) as rnk
from cte
group by date)
select *
from cte_agg
where rnk = 1;
Fetch Top N Records: Retrieve the top 2 employees from each department.
Rank Employees: Identify the top 3 employees by salary in each department.
Understand Ranking Differences: See how ROW_NUMBER, RANK, and DENSE_RANK work with sample data.
We'll also solve an interview problem on energy consumption using SQL window functions.
drop table employee;
create table employee
( emp_ID int
, emp_NAME varchar(50)
, DEPT_NAME varchar(50)
, SALARY int);
insert into employee values(101, 'Mohan', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(102, 'Rajkumar', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(103, 'Akbar', 'IT', 4000);
insert into employee values(104, 'Dorvin', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(105, 'Rohit', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(106, 'Rajesh', 'Finance', 5000);
insert into employee values(107, 'Preet', 'HR', 7000);
insert into employee values(108, 'Maryam', 'Admin', 4000);
insert into employee values(109, 'Sanjay', 'IT', 6500);
insert into employee values(110, 'Vasudha', 'IT', 7000);
insert into employee values(111, 'Melinda', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(112, 'Komal', 'IT', 10000);
insert into employee values(113, 'Gautham', 'Admin', 2000);
insert into employee values(114, 'Manisha', 'HR', 3000);
insert into employee values(115, 'Chandni', 'IT', 4500);
insert into employee values(116, 'Satya', 'Finance', 6500);
insert into employee values(117, 'Adarsh', 'HR', 3500);
insert into employee values(118, 'Tejaswi', 'Finance', 5500);
insert into employee values(119, 'Cory', 'HR', 8000);
insert into employee values(120, 'Monica', 'Admin', 5000);
insert into employee values(121, 'Rosalin', 'IT', 6000);
insert into employee values(122, 'Ibrahim', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(123, 'Vikram', 'IT', 8000);
insert into employee values(124, 'Dheeraj', 'IT', 11000);
select * from employee
order by dept_name, emp_id desc
-- 1) Fetch the first 2 employees from each department to join the company.
select *
from (
select *
, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by emp_id) as rn
from employee
) emp_new
-- 2) Fetch the top 3 employees in each department earning the max salary.
select * from employee
select *
from (
select *
, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rn
, rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rnk
from employee
) emp_new
select *
, row_number() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rn
, rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as rnk
, dense_rank() over(partition by dept_name order by salary desc) as dn_rnk
from employee
-- Interview problem 1
/* Find the date with the highest total energy consumption from the Meta/Facebook data centers.
Output the date along with the total energy consumption across all data centers.
If there are multiple days with same highest energy consumption then display both dates.
select * from fb_eu_energy;
select * from fb_asia_energy;
select * from fb_na_energy;
drop table fb_eu_energy;
create table fb_eu_energy
date date,
consumption int
drop table fb_asia_energy;
create table fb_asia_energy
date date,
consumption int
drop table fb_na_energy;
create table fb_na_energy
date date,
consumption int
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-01',400);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-02',350);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-03',500);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-04',500);
insert into fb_eu_energy values ('2020-01-07',600);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-01',400);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-02',400);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-04',675);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-05',1200);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-06',750);
insert into fb_asia_energy values ('2020-01-07',400);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-01',250);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-02',375);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-03',600);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-06',500);
insert into fb_na_energy values ('2020-01-07',250);
with cte as
(select * from fb_eu_energy
union all
select * from fb_asia_energy
union all
select * from fb_na_energy),
cte_agg as
(select date, sum(consumption) as total_consumption
, rank() over(order by sum(consumption) desc) as rnk
from cte
group by date)
select *
from cte_agg
where rnk = 1;