In my life, there has NEVER been a Republican for organized labor. Hell, the God of Republicans, Ronny Reagan threatened to fire stiking airline workers if they didn't come back to work, fair contract be damned. Yet the poor and middle class continue to vote for them. It boggles the mind.
Finally! The workers, the backbone of the country, recognise Trump has no backbone. Put that crook in jail!
First time around, Trump promised all those workers at the plants he visited that he would stop their closings and save their jobs. My questions are: "How much money did the workers receive on Unemployment once the plants closed? How long did it take to find another job? How much of a pay cut on their new jobs did the workers had to accept? How many newly em-
ployed workers had to relocate their families especially if they lived in so-called "factory towns" where there are no other jobs? If you think Trump cares about fair wages and benefits for everyday workers, please think again.
Trump held a rally at a non union facility when he visited Michigan🤣 Trump is not a union guy he's a Corporatist sidekick.
I was there striking and 87 percent of the worker's hate that snake oil salesman.
Ask the Rail Workers how Biden looked out for them.
I've been in Unions all of my life. Most people out there have no clue what Unions have done for the common person in America. Unions gave us yearly pay increases, vacations, holiday pay, bereavement pay, sick pay, health benefits (dental, vision and general health to take care of our wives & children), not working alongside children on the job. The list goes on and thank GOD Unions in America are nothing like Unions in other countries. Unions in other countries are actually political parties and we don't need that type of thing in America. Unions are actually people helping people in America to get ahead in life cause without Unions everything that I just mentioned above would not exist. Corporations DO NOT CARE about the working man & woman in America PERIOD. Honestly I thank GOD that America has Unions that are not part of a political party. I STAND WITH
Less we forget about the GM plants that closed & moved to Mexico during trumps administration, saying he negotiated a deal & they still closed them!
Trump went to speak at the non-union facility; that tells you all you need to know. True to his character he’s looking out for corporate as usual. That’s who got the tax cuts; you know those, “job creators” the Republicans always want to assist.
If Trump was “for” Unions as he preaches, then how many of his hotels, golf courses and resorts are Union?
Embarrassment to America is all I can say.
The irony is unions are terrible for this country.
Obama said he would put the coal business out of business. So the dear leaders of coal miner union endorsed Obama. Those things happen.
The right to work movement started to kill unions and continues to this day!
Vote people
Let’s go UAW👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Our President is working for the Unions tRump dump not wanted
I was a single mother and had two jobs. At one job there were two managers. One manager wanted to fire me for no reason. I had never been fired from a job in my life. I went to my union rep and kept my job. The manager never bothered me again. If it wasn't for the union, my children would have went hungry, and maybe lost more than that. So stand up for these unions.
The fact that Biden quickly supported the union, and waited weeks to support Maui should tell you who’s paying him more😂😂😂
Ask the railroad union what they think of Biden.
Thank you once again, Meidas Touch. You are bringing us truth, giving us hope and reminding us we are not alone.