This is how music connects us to the story of Arthas Menethil (and why I love his character)

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I recently delved deeply into Arthas and how he became the Lich King. I really enjoyed relistening to, and exploring how the music aids us in showcasing his downturn from the good Paladin to the Lich King.


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Hi, I'm Marco Meatball, a former pro opera singer, turned voice actor, turned YouTuber. I grew up loving video games and video game music after first discovering them when I was 7 years old. Since then, I have lived and breathed all things video games. This channel is all about video game music and the beauty of modern composition, how it allows us to connect more deeply with the games we love, and how we can better learn to understand ourselves through it and the experiences it provides.
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You should try out Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Expansion which goes in-depth into Arthas ascent and descent. The gameplay and music have aged beautifully despite being 20 years old. You don't need to play the Reforged "remake", the original is still king.


"Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit." - Inscription on the dais holding Frostmourne

The first soul Frostmourne ever claimed was that of Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron, the prince who would pay any price to save his people. When Arthas took up that blade he became shattered, incomplete. "Detrimentum a do sola ditas", "Alas, I have lost a part of myself", does not just refer to the first death of beloved Invincible, a steadfast, stalwart companion even in undeath, but to the Fallen Prince himself. Whether it be from almost losing his elder sister Calia to Deathwing, failing to save his people from the Scourge which was always three paces ahead until Stratholme, ordering and leading the Culling of Stratholme and losing both his lover and best friend in that same moment, or from surrendering himself to the darkness to save the remnants of his home by abandoning Light's Vengeance and wielding Frostmourne in its stead.

The Culling of Stratholme is a contentious topic in Arthas' story. Some say it was proof that Arthas was always evil, others claim that it was all Arthas could think to do and that he was a fool to enact it. I hold to the belief that the Culling, while monstrous and horrifying, was ultimately necessary. Stratholme was one of the largest cities in the kingdom of Lordaeron, being the second largest in terms of population by the time of the Second War, 14 years before the events of Warcraft 3, and the seat of the Order of the Silver Hand. Every citizen in Stratholme by the time of Arthas' arrival was either infected or living with someone infected. If Arthas let that city turn, an event only hours away, the Scourge would not only gain around a quarter of Lordaeron's population, but the Paladins would lose their base of operations in the kingdom, severely hampering their ability to act as a military force. So the Prince of Lordaeron acted in the only way available to anyone at the time; Arthas led the Culling of Stratholme.

It was not easy on the prince, with the novel "Arthas: Rise of the Lich King" attesting that the Culling broke Arthas' spirit enough that he could not call upon the Light, a power that as a Paladin, was central to Arthas' life. Detrimentum a do sola ditas, alas, Arthas had lost a part of himself. Mal'Ganis and Ner'zhul took advantage of this broken sense of self and self-worth, baited the Crown Prince to Northrend, and led him down the path that, to Ner'zhul the Lich King, could only end one way; Arthas gives in to Ner'zhul and the Betrayer of the Orcs gains a powerful new pawn.


"No we. No one tells me what to do. I've got everything I need from you—now the power is mine and mine alone. Now there is only I. I am the Lich King. And I am ready." - Arthas Menethil the Lich King, "Arthas: Rise of the Lich King"


Very true. From Halls of Reflection, as Jaina speaks to Uther's trapped soul within Frostmourne:
Lich King: _"So, you wish to commune with the dead?"_ speaking to Jaina. _"You shall have your wish."_


When I listen to songs related to Arthas, I can't help but feel sad for not only all of his victims, no only the "thousands he's tortured and slain" as Tyrion said it, but for him as well.
It's said that the first victim of a serial murderer is the murderer itself, and it's a concept so hard to grasp (because you want to make him pay and can't feel empathy in any way) but in Arthas' case you can FEEL it. That's what makes him, in my opinion, the best villain ever.

I swear, "Arthas my son" brings tears to my eyes everytime I listen to it, without exception.


Another Arthas related ost is the Culling of Stratholme (from WoW), which more or less encapsulates the point where he fell from grace (the titular event). If you haven't listened to it yet, I highly recommend it, it's very intense.


Arthas was not completely evil though. Not even at the end.
After his defeat, someone else would have to don the Lich Kings crown, or the impossible numbers of undead would have overrun the world....which begs thecquestion, why Arthas never did just that. It turned out a small flicker of the prince he was supposed to be was still alive within him, and at unthinkable cost to itself, it did indeed show restraint.

Please play WC3, and the frozen throne expansion. Its such great storytelling. And after you go through Rexxar's story, follow up with analyzing "Warbringers: Jaina".
It's absolutely amazing.


After the fall of the Lich King we do discover Jaina's amulet after Arthas is defeated. Even without his heart there was still a part of him that remembered. Perhaps the part that held him back from unleashing the full potential of his power thus allowing him the be defeated. I wish Blizzard would give his soul a bigger role then just to poison Anduin's mind and then remain a faded shard that would be forgotten, it was really a disservice to the character.
I always imagined that in the end there would be a way for him to redeem himself, perhaps becoming the righteous king of the dead after the Jailor is no more and Arthas's soul gem used to restore the crown.

Stratholm was really the breakpoint in this story, and the worst thing is that Arthas was right! As the future king he made the hardest decision any ruler has to make! Not just to let some of his people die to save the rest, but to take their lives with his own hands before they bring death to hundreds more.
Jaina and Uther did not have to take part in what had to happen, they just needed to be there so the weight of this terrible sin did not crush him...
But they left... and he did not have it in his heart to blame them for it. So he directed all that pain at Malganis.

Perhaps there was another chance there. But that's not how it was written.


Actually... Jaina's memories and his "human" part is what prevented the scourge wipes all Azeroth.


I believe I might even have written this elsewhere, but there is a comparison that always comes to mind when talking about Arthas in Warcraft 3. Around the same time, the Star Wars prequels showed how Anakin fell to the Dark Side and became Vader. I've always felt that the prequel arc of Anakin falls flat, it doesn't feel earned and comes off as too hammy or hackneyed, and isn't really that well justified. Ironically, Arthas becoming the Lich King feels like a much more succesful attempt at this arc, where Arthas' greatest strengths (his determination, his devotion to his country, his willingness to sacrifice) are turned into his weaknesses. Every specific step towards seizing Frostmourne seems like a logical one, even the Culling, but once you look back at it you realize you were walking into damnation. It's probably made even more powerful because WE as players were in the middle of it, actually doing the deeds.


I will say, Arthas made the right choice on executing the Culling of Stratholme, the city was lost and it was mather of time before the entire population turned undead. Is it a massacre? Yes, but it was either leave it be and allow a massive undead army to spawn right in Lordaeron or stop it right there and at least spare it citizens of the missery of undying servitude. However, he chasing Mal'ganis out of revenge was the mistake that doomed to become the champion of the Lich King. Had he chose to stay, the North continent of the Easter Kingdoms might have had a better chance to driving out the Scourge.


As someone who grew up playing Warcraft 3 (and WoW), it's nice seeing someone discover the old glory days of the franchise ^^


What I liked about reading the Arthas: Rise of the Lich King book was that by the end Arthas was able to force out Ner'Zhul, the previous Lich King, and his past self from his mind while on the Frozen Throne. This meant that all of his actions during Wrath of the Lich King were his own...until retcons came after the expansion which messed up his story.


I see how passionate you are to Arthas Menethil, and this, this puts a smile on my face, seeing you so passionate.


Arthas, my favorite character of all time since I played WC3 when I was 8 years old... thank you for this video.


I'm glad you finally dived into Arthas' Backstory. I love your music-videos about invincible and arthas my son, but I was everytime a little bit... unsatisfied that you can't "feel" into the story because you didn't know it. Now: You are one of us. Welcome.


I played wc3 and Arthas stayed in my mind all these years.. he did what he believed had to be done at the moment.. like sacrifice.. there lot in life we dont see in future but he did not care what happened to him.


Every part of this video is fantastic! Thank you @MarcoMeatball for telling this story to more people that may have missed this just like yourself before...

Keep up the great work, and probally my favourite hidden gem of Youtube.


The Lich King must be one of, if not THE biggest villain in videogames


"Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had _forgiven?"_


Warcraft 3 was my childhood and got me deeply invested in the lore. I've read the novels, and Rise of the Lich King remains one of my favourites. Highly recommend if you'd like to read deeper into Arthas' childhood, the bond with Invincible and his ultimate turning.

In my opinion, Arthas was Arthas until he took upon the hilt of Frostmourne, at that point he became the will of Ner'Zhul, not himself.
