So I finally played War Thunder!

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Now I’ll admit, I haven’t watched the video fully, but I want to give some advice. Been playing for about 4 years now, and the game does start off fairly decently. Nice progression, fun gameplay, etc. however once you start hitting rank III, the grind sets in. It’s a little more rough than your typical FTP game (nowhere near as bad as some of War Gaming’s offerings), but it does get frustrating. However, especially when it comes to playing, it’s very easy to get burned out. If you do, please take a break. It does take a very long time to progress in this game, but I assure you with friends along with you, this game can be pretty fun. There’s a huge community behind it for anyone new, and many are usually willing to help, but the community can be fairly hostile at points when game changes are announced. Something for those looking into the game to keep in mind, but all games have issues. Other than that, it’s a decent game


You'll either love this and enjoy playing it, or you'll love it and hate it with every fiber of your being at the same time. Enjoy!


I highly suggest you play Realistic mode on both ground and air. It plays completely different and adds a better layer of enjoyment in my opinion


As others who've spent some time playing Warthunder, I don't advise anyone who starts playing it to get over-invested, or maybe even play it at all. You will want to forgive its flaws due to the sheer variety of vehicles and maps to play, but in the end the experience will just be a chain of frustration with occasional moments of joy, no matter whether your're good or bad or which game mode you play.
Having friends join along can sooth out some of the frustration, but the end result will be the same: either you get burned out from the grind, toxic community, bad game design, unbalanced vehicles and mechanics... or you spend so much cash to alleviate the pain that you can't bring yourself to quit playing the game despite not having fun. This game had a huge potential, it gets many things right but the overall experience is by design disheartening for most players.


It's not to late to stop playing. I've been Gaijin free for nearly 3 years now. Best decision I've made in my gaming life 😌


Playing this is a mistake, I know because it’s one of my all time favourite games.


I'm curious about Wolfpack's opinion on the game's realistic and simulator modes. Maybe we will see him playing Air Simulator or Realistic or even as CAS in Ground Simulator.


Wolfpack: Plays I-15
The russians: Our I-15


Glad to see you are starting on arcade. If you pay attention it will teach you where to pen enemy tanks. Good luck with the grind. All low tiers are fun... it starts to get really frustrating round 6.0 and upwards.


When targeting air units in arcade, aim your crosshair at the circle in front of their plane. That circle is your lead indicator and will ensure hitting them center of mass. While in a tank in arcade, your crosshair turns green when you are guaranteed to penetrate their armor. It turns red when you will not penetrate, and yellow when there is a chance of penetrating. Shoot tanks when your crosshair is green. Also, know that if you do play realistic, these aim assists I talk about will not be there. Learn how to play in arcade, then have fun in realistic.


not really a war thunder fan, at least any more. I played it for about 6 years. Like others have said in the lower ranks its light hearted and a lot of fun. Not particularly realistic, but fun. The problem is that in the later ranks the game gets very grindy and the problems with the game design also become much more evident. From a design stand point this game is stuck, in typical Russian game dev fashion they just do whatever they want with little to no regard for what the community wants. From what I've seen lately that means just pushing out content in the form of new tanks and about nothing else as far as actually making a better game. I'm sure some will disagree, but i started playing in 2012 and think I have a pretty informed opinion from what i experienced when this game was just starting up to when i stopped playing.(did try and come back several times, but just got frustrated and angry instead of actually having fun)


Been playing WT since 2013, so happy to see you giving the game a go! Hope you enjoyed your games!! Most importantly…ATTACK THE D POINT!!!


This game is like an abusive relationship. You’ll just keep coming back even though you’ve already received multiple concussions.


You should really play realistic mode! It's way better than arcade. (If you do ever play this game again)


Yessss finally:) war thunder American tanks are fun and planes tip: if ur in air use Tail rudder to Effectively doge air planes and also use ur flaps


Love to see it, its nice to know I will be able to maybe see you in this real timesink, maybe the thousand or so hours will be less bad now. I would recommend realistic for yourself as your very used to waiting out and listening around you, I mean you make me feel impatient looking at how long you can tail a convoy in SH3. I recommend the germans for a all round fun time in tanks, and up to mid tier in their planes. if you want to do boats I really recommend getting used to long waiting times. If you dont want to do any and were just doing this for the sponsor, all the power to you and I will still love your content anyway, nothing can be quiet exciting? exhilarating maybe as sitting through those depth charge attack.


It wasn't only speed that helped us at Jutland - we had this cunning plan you see - we hid our battlecruisers underwater.


Would highly recommend RB to play. It’s a little more immersive and you get more rewards like XP.


With over 1000 hours in this game over the course of many years, I must say only one thing: Don't go past 5.0 in BR. The grind isn't worth it. Just move on to the next nation you want to try. If you do go past it, just remember to not take it to seriously.


as someone who played it for a couple weeks back in 2020 in arcade battles, at low tier just about never shot the front of the turret, everywhere else on the turret is free game. furthermore, if you have to engage from the front the front plate on most low tier tanks is cheaper than paper and IIRC typically get multiple crew with a single shot.
