Divine Council's CHANNELED Message That Humanity NEEDS to HEAR! | Desjanée Threat

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Desjanée Threat is an Intuitive Channeler & Seer Is A Representative Of The Divine Council, The Council Of Gods, Goddesses And Deities. Desjanée Threat Is A Healing Healer™️, Healing Others As She Heals Herself. She Is Divine Creative And Educator.

Desjanée Threat Is Here To Raise Earth’s Vibration (Uplift Humanity) and Help People Tap Back Into Their Magic & The Magic Within The Universe (Re-Awaken). She Does This With Channeled Messages And Divine Spiritual Guidance.

Desjanée Threat Is a Lightworker, Atlantean Starseed, Earth Angel, and Mystic. Her Two Philosophies As A Lightworker Are, “Love, Light, And Boundaries™️” And “Light, Shadow, And Dark™️.” On Her Own Spiritual Journey & Healing Journey, Desjanée Threat Is Discovering New Depths About Herself Everyday. She Embraces Her Authenticity And Vulnerability As She Heals.

Please enjoy my conversation with Desjanée Threat.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
0:33 - Life prior to channeling
1:54 - The experience of channeling
3:35 - How to develop the ability of channeling
8:37 - How to deal psychologically the ability to channel
9:47 - Coming out the spiritual closet
17:14 - How do we deal with generational karma
20:05 - What are soul families?
22:02 - Do animals have souls?
24:04 - What happens to animals when they die?
25:01 - What are spirit guides?
25:50 - How do we build deeper connection with our guides?
33:53 - Are human souls unique?
35:31 - Can a machine ever possess a soul?
37:25 - How can we heal our physical and emotional pain and suffering?
45:13 - Important lesson from the council
48:15 - Prediction for 2023
54:13 - Living a fulfulled life
55:43 - Advice to younger Desjanee
56:14 - Definition of God
58:57 - Desjanee's work
59:22 - Final Message

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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I love your podcast and have been binge watching for the last 2 months. I'm so happy to see a black woman being highlighted in this space.


Thanks, Alex, for being inclusive. We all need to see ourselves and each other to know that we are one! Thanks, Desjanee, for your example!


I'm thirteen minutes in and absolutely love this woman. Her energy is so sincere.


Alex, I loved her, can she come on again? it’s nice to see other races on your show, as a minority myself, and being into spirituality and reiki for over 30 years, it’s rare to have minorities presenting, let alone talking about sexual abuse. Her story is so similar to mine, thank you both, love and light 💚


🪷🦋I just love this subject matter of breaking intergenerational trauma, abuse and trauma. As well as understanding your shadow side and acknowledging the loneliness and challenging to break this dysfunctional cycle. Thank you so much for having your show and inviting illuminating guests. You are truly providing sevice, knowledge and healing.🦋💘


I love this woman. I have been able to emotionally connect with animals since I was 7. I didn’t realize I was different for many years. I have spent my life training horses, mastering alternative therapies for them, and especially helping troubled horses and dogs. This has set me apart from my family, who bullied me for not being like everyone else. I’ve been in a peaceful place for many years but this message was very affirming for me. Thank you❤️


This is one of the best guests you’ve had on this podcast


Thank you so much for having Desjanée on the show. I love how she knows her path and journey and she's also so able to speak to those of us who might be a little more lost and unsure of our way forward. It would be great if she'd come on again!


I've never seen the person who is so brave to pay the necessary price to be fairhful to the spiritual calling like her. Thank you Alex


Thank you for all you do Alex. ❤ when he asked "do animals have souls" and the response was "of course they do child" I giggled 😄 . Thank you again 💓


I bring through various, individual light languages for the ones who request it. My circle of like-minded friends helped and encouraged me to develop this ability. I am clear and connect directly to source. My husband and my son have no idea what I do, but my daughter and her partner have heard me and accepted it easily. Lovelight and hugs to all.


I'm loving how sincere and honest she is about the people in her life.


Desjanee is A GIFT. What an AMAZING Spirit! I love her strength, honesty, & openness sharing her own journey. Everything she & her Guides say resonates with me so strongly. TY SO much Alex for sharing Desjanee with us 🙏🏼 I would love to be able & worthy of being her friend & I suspect many of us here feel the same thing. 💙 Please bring this jewel of a Spirit back for us anytime. Namaste, Dejanee 🕊


i believe that we set our ancestors free when we do the real emotional healing on this earth plane, we break the karmic cycle which I believe the ancestors couldn't do because of their programming through history.i believe they can guide us in certain ways but not in a way of emotional healing only in the light of their spiritual essence which can be high or low depending upon their own souls growth..if we want to see a change in the world it starts with the change within ourselves and everyone can channel from the emotional level they are at in this life.we only need ourselves to guide us as the reality we see outside ourself is created from within...so there is only one person you need to worry about and that's yourself and as you tend to yourself, the people who are meant to be in your life appear and those no longer resonating with you disappear...it's a wonderful unfolding story and at times, gives you glimpses of falling in love with yourself and life seems so easy and flowing with love and like another lady on your show said things and people show up before you know it...I'm wrapping myself up, I know and this will only make sense to those who know. This is only my opinion of the path I am on now and I am such a different person to who I was.. life is not always easy but it can be different by breaking the chains which hold us back..


My stubbornness has definitely affected my listening. Working on it. Blessings


This was a great channeling because it talks about our spiritual relationship with nature, with the Earth. This is what I try to teach through my writing. It is important to connect on a deep level to the natural world.


You will find true family as you continue your journey.


Dearest Alex, this show is exactly what I longed to hear and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ALL YOU DID ABOUT ANIMALS, we got some truly great answers!!! 💜💙💛❤💚


Thanks Alex and Desjanée! Another great episode! Keep up the interviews with people of all backgrounds and races since everyone brings their own unique experiences but they all have love as their common messages.
