RNS (Responsive Neurostimulation)

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Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS) is another advanced surgical treatment we offer, that is designed for managing seizures in individuals where traditional surgical options like resection (surgical removal of brain tissue) are not feasible.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of how RNS works and its benefits:

Implantation and Functionality: RNS involves the surgical implantation of a device into the brain. This device is programmed to constantly monitor electrical activity in the brain, specifically targeting areas known to trigger seizures.

Detection of Abnormal Activity: The RNS device continuously monitors the brain’s electrical signals. It is capable of detecting patterns associated with seizure onset, even before symptoms are noticeable to the person experiencing seizures.

Responsive Intervention: When abnormal electrical activity indicative of an impending seizure is detected, the RNS device intervenes by delivering electrical stimulation to the affected brain region. This stimulation is intended to disrupt the abnormal activity and prevent it from spreading and causing a full seizure.

Adaptive and Personalized: One of the key advantages of RNS is its adaptive nature. Over time, the device learns from the individual’s brain activity patterns and adjusts its responses accordingly. This personalized approach enhances effectiveness in preventing seizures while minimizing potential side effects.

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Suitability and Considerations: RNS is particularly suitable for individuals whose seizures originate in critical areas of the brain where surgical removal of tissue could lead to significant neurological deficits. By specifically targeting seizure activity without removing brain tissue, RNS offers a conservative yet effective treatment option.

Effectiveness and Outcomes: Clinical studies have demonstrated that RNS can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in many patients. It provides a long-term management strategy for epilepsy that may not be adequately controlled with medications alone.

Integration with Care: RNS treatment involves comprehensive care, including initial evaluation, surgical implantation, programming of the device, and ongoing monitoring by neurologists and epilepsy specialists. Close collaboration between the patient, caregivers, and medical team is essential for optimizing outcomes.

In summary, Responsive Neurostimulation (RNS) represents a sophisticated therapeutic option for individuals with epilepsy, offering hope and improved quality of life by providing proactive seizure management through targeted neurological intervention.

To learn more, please feel free to contact us at the Epilepsy Institute of New Jersey.

Dr. Tomycz would be happy to set up a 15 minute phone call, free of charge, to answer any questions.

Phone: (201) 361-4545
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