The part where he sits on the other seat, knowing he might save Christine and himself be the victim had me blast outta tears.
I just can’t belive how perfect this song is for the episode. I’ve never seen arcade being better used
This is the saddest story in "What If...?" in my opinion. My favorite too. It's so heartbreaking...
"I love you in every universe" - Dr Stephen Strange
"Aren't we allowed to be happy " gives me goosebumps
" I only want you and you are the only thing that matters." I cried when strange said this.
Dr Strange, the person who can change the time, but not the fate/destiny.
Strange: Why is this keep happening to me? Aren't we allowed to be happy?
Christine: Steven, what did you do...?
Strange: Christine!
I'm sorry, I so so sorry 😔
Stephen's story tells that not every hero gets what he deserves, that there's not always a happy ending 💔
Who knew this "What If" episode would have such a profound effect on the MCU. It taught us a lot about Dr. Strange, his motivations, weaknesses, fragility, and that he is as human as human gets.
"Aren't we allowed to stay happy"
This line hits hard😥😥
His little "Christine... Oh no... I'm sorry" in the end is so heartbreaking
Wanda destroying a town for her lost love and here's Dr. Stephen Strange destroying a whole universe to bring back Christine 🥺🥺
"Aren't we allowed to be happy?" Hits hard 💯💔
Dr Strange is my favorite MCU hero, this episode was so heartbreaking for me
He doesn't deserve to go through this
I am so glad they got Benedict Cumberbatch to voice this character in the Marvel What If..? We hear more emotion from him and the questions fans dream up of “What If Dr. Strange was the bad guy?” You can tell how from just his voice alone the pain of losing his love one over and over again, and how when he brought her back to life she looked scared and afraid of him.
Just watched Multiverse. Can't explain how much he loves her. Not on his universe but across all multiverses. Hope he gets what he always desired. Happy! Isn't that "happy" word said by both animated evil strange and wanda.
One can understand the depth of Love in this love story where the guy literally became one of the most powerful being in the whole multiverse just to bring her back.
Whenever I listened to this song, this episode kept getting in my head. Somehow I always felt bad for dark strange! He lost everything in the end but still wasn't able to save Christine. For this reason, this is my favourite episode of WHATIF series.
the universes where she doesnt love him enough, she survives and marry someone else
the universes where she loves him, she dies.
she was never meant to be with strange
Bro if you just added "Stephen, what did you do?" at the end after the song it would have been Golden