Tramming out with ore, from a mile in. Ruby Mine, Sierra County, CA. Full-length

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Behind 3, loaded, 1-ton ore cars traveling on track/rail. Spur to White Channel, 2:50. Wolf Station bend, 3:40-3:45. Sunshine bend, 6:45. At the portal, 10:50-11:00. Ruby Mine, August or September, 2014
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When I was 15 in 1976 we moved to Grass Valley, our landlord was a old bearded gentleman who told us to come visit he and his wife, they lived in a log cabin on Allegheny creek, and he said he had a 7 year lease on the Ruby gold mine, when we visited they had no indoor plumbing, small handmade log cabin, I asked if they was gold in the creek next to the cabin, he said" You wanna see some gold boy? He went into bedroom and returned with 3 mayo jars, large ones, one was packed full of dust, the other was half filled with placer nuggets 3 oz. And smaller, and the last jar held 3/4 full, nuggets 3 Oz and up, all this he said had been taken out of that small creek, with a rocker and sluice, the biggest nugget I held filled my palm, flattish, like a chocolate chip cookie, it weighed 9 oz.!!!


That is one long god damned walk from the portal to the big bend I can tell you that much!


Wonder what that pipe is above.. looks like a water pipe
