AQUARIUS in Love and Relationships || Episode 3 - Compatibility

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Let's not mince words. Aquarians are hard to date.
They're fiercely independent, consistently cerebral, spontaneous, and kind of aloof.
They tend to pursue their passions and interests with no regard for others, which isn't exactly a good trait in a romantic partner.
However, there's no such thing as an unlovable sign, and the same traits that make Aquarius an unappealing partner for some, are what makes them irresistible for others.
Yes, there are zodiac signs for whom Aquarius's ever-changing interests and need for privacy are a boom, signs that share the same need for new adventures, and who don't want to be tied up in a traditional relationship.
#ZodiacTalks #Aquarius #AquariusLove
Based on Aquarius Sun Sign
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They're fiercely independent, consistently cerebral, spontaneous, and kind of aloof.
They tend to pursue their passions and interests with no regard for others, which isn't exactly a good trait in a romantic partner.
However, there's no such thing as an unlovable sign, and the same traits that make Aquarius an unappealing partner for some, are what makes them irresistible for others.
Yes, there are zodiac signs for whom Aquarius's ever-changing interests and need for privacy are a boom, signs that share the same need for new adventures, and who don't want to be tied up in a traditional relationship.
#ZodiacTalks #Aquarius #AquariusLove
Based on Aquarius Sun Sign
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