7 Tips For Saving Your Marriage (Don't Ignore This Crucial Advice!)

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Hi guys, Brad Browning here with another Mend the Marriage video. Today I’m going to cover 7 tips that will help save your marriage, even if there’s already been talk of a divorce.

Now, before we get started I’d like to introduce myself in case this is the first time you’ve come across one of my YouTube videos. As mentioned, my name is Brad Browning and I’m a relationship coach and marriage expert. I’m also known for my best selling Mend the Marriage program, which teaches folks like you how to rebuild your relationship with your spouse, and ideally save your marriage.

After watching this video, I encourage you to leave any comments or questions you may have in the section below. I always try my best to respond to all comments, so please go ahead and share your feedback.

OK, let’s get started. You know the saying, “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes happily ever after”? End of story, right? Not quite… While it's true that couples relax a bit after they’ve said their vows and tied the knot, the reality is that they may also find themselves puzzled if their fairytale starts slipping away.

Many people think that marriage is about marrying the right person, so when things start to go wrong they begin to worry that they’ve accidentally married the wrong person. Although you do want to marry someone you’re compatible with, marriage has a lot less to do with marrying the right person than it has to do with doing the right things with the person you married. In other words, relationships are a constant work in progress. If your marriage seems to be rocky, try these tips to restore the happy connection that made you say "I do" in the first place.

Analyze Yourself

A common assumption is that it takes both partners to save their marriage. This seems reasonable, but it just isn’t true. Unless your spouse has truly and completely given up on the relationship, it is possible for you to make sufficient changes to save the marriage. Perhaps not immediately, but over time it’s inevitable that the unhappy partner will notice the positive change in your behaviour and will respond to it.

Whether you know it or not, you and your spouse communicate in a revolving stimulus, a response pattern if you will. This means that when you do or say something, the stimulus and your partner reacts, and then you react to their reaction, and so on. The same thing occurs when your partner says or does something... the two of you have built up a pattern of habitual actions and reactions over time.

Since a couple is comprised of two individuals, a change in the behaviour of one person will have an impact on the other, and therefore the entire relationship. When the stimulus changes, there will be a new, different response. That new response will elicit another new and different response. If this happens enough, a new pattern of behaviours will emerge. Assuming the new actions and reactions are positive, the relationship takes a positive turn.

For example, if you have developed a habit of being disrespectful towards your spouse, she will have developed some kind of reaction or coping mechanism. If you stop disrespectful behaviour, she won’t need to use her coping mechanism, and her reaction to you will chance.

*** More from Brad Browning: ***
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This advice is by far the most useful I've come across, and holds a lot of value and meaning behind their words. Truly, these words of wisdom are sure to revive and save any marriage from fall apart, so long as both partners are willing to comply and cooperate in a civil manner. Thank you so much for creating this video. Much respect, Brad.


I am a kid and I was hoping this would help my parents


My wife has given up on our marriage. We got together when we were young and have been through so much together. I’m hoping that your Mend the Marriage series and books will help us get back to where we once were. Thanks Brad!


Thank you for this! Praying we can find a way out of the mess we got into and find a way back to love..


Thank you!! Just when I was about to give up I decided to look up marriage counseling then you popped up and this is just what I needed!!


Hardest part of every marriage, in my opinion, is stepping back and analyzing yourself before anyone else


just listening to your voice helps me want to let the bad things go. My husband often insults me with negative comments. I know he doesn't mean it, he happens to be a bitter man who angers easily and I've done a bad job at helping him out. But letting all those bad comments go, everything negative he has said to me, and start living free, not only will help him, but it will help me out a great deal. I am remembering what it felt like when I first fell in love with him. I will hold on to those beautiful moments, to the happiness of our children and blossom from there. Thank you for your videos! I see hope and freedom and it feels so good. Thank you!


Good advice. Hard to practice some. Especially #7. How can you let the grudge go when painful words haunt your memory?


I am fighting for my marriage right now. There is a breakdown in our communication and my wife has said that she does not want to fight for the marriage anymore but her action still show that something is there. Because she makes efforts to come and be with me and she still lets me hold her and spend time with her. I think she is drained and tired of the same cycle of things being good for a while and then going back to us fussing again. Can you help? I need all the advice I can get


i just wanna say Thank you. first video on my search results and im so happy i here. keep it up Brad. we need more of this


I need too buy your book and I have NEVER EVER said that about any marriage or life in general book. love can wait to get the book !!


Everything said is true.
14 years straight, going strong.
We don't have crazy drama.
Definitely feel blessed. Hope we never change ♡


Also not having any serious conversations or any arguments over texts will help a ton.


I have been married for 12 years, we are a young couple and I said some things I shouldn't have said so that has stranded our marriage but she is still giving me the opportunity to fix myself. Please give some advice so I can rekindle our marriage we have 4 kids and I really love this woman with all my heart.


Working on my marriage at this point. Praying that we will fall back in love again!🙏❤🙏 Thanks for such awesome insite on saving marriages!👍


WOW! On point! Every topic that I am struggling with covered. Great advise. Thank you so much


God bless you. I am trying most your advice. Hopefully, it works. Keep up the good work. You are doing a great service to keep families together.


How do you build more attraction?.. feel that has strongly dissipated after 15 years and put our relationship into jeopardy .. is it unresolved resentments perhaps that are turning me off him? We love each other but our energy is repelling a lot. Thankyou.🙏🏻


Good advice. I will apply some of these advices. More especially number 4.


First time, & I really enjoyed listening to your tips.
