Missing 411 David Paulides-Update on trucker David Schultz & New Missing Trucker Brian Lush

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David Schultz
Brian Lush
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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I've been debating about sharing this, but here it goes. My brother-in-law, Danny, is, or was, a good friend of Dave and his wife. His wife told Danny that Daves's body had very little decomposition. What they can't understand is that if his body had been lying out there since November, why was it in such good condition? Given the large population of coyotes in the area, it remained undisturbed by wildlife. He said that at the time of the disappearance, dogs were brought in to aid in the search. They got the scent from his jacket, went to the place in the road ditch where the jacket had been found, then the dogs went back to the truck and sat down, so there was no scent trail. The locals who knew Dave are bewildered by this and are trying to make sense of this, and they are very frustrated.


Brian Lush is my cousin. Thank you for sharing his info and bringing awareness ❤️


As a truck driver, I believe this says UFO written all over it. I have seen a UFO in Manchester Kentucky it looked just like the one on your poster Dave identical and every time I go through there I get chills maybe someday we will know the truth.


Dave, I am from NC, and the killing of these heroic men was horrific. Thank you for addressing this on your channel. NC heart is broken for the families and the community. What has happened to humanity?? These men were all good fathers and family men. Just doing their jobs 😢. We will never forget what sacrifices these men made for all of us. May God continue to walk and carry the family and friends of these heroes. My prayers are with them.


Hey David, Iowa resident here for over 35 years.. I have noticed some very strange events concerning truck drivers in the state of iowa. To make a long story short, in a unrelated incident then the one you are speaking about now, about 3-4 years ago my mother, stepfather, and myself had a fun night at the casino (prairie meadows) the whole night was weird we won big that night over 5k, we went back to my place to talk about it & celebrate in des moines, my parents live in Boone. it was late but we were jacked up from winning and were just talking about the great luck we had. I told them since it was so late they could just crash at my place instead of drive home and they decided to.. but in the middle of the night unable to sleep and just wanting to be home my mom and stepdad left my house and drove the 45 min north to boone on the way to boone on interstate 35 they came upon a truck (with a load) the truck looked as if it had an accident or something front end was smashed a bit & another unrelated vehicle had also pulled off but to my stepfathers Suprise nobody was in the truck or the other vehicle. The truck was still running with keys in the ignition. my stepdad looked around and called out are you ok, hoping to get a response and nothing, they sat there for a moment wondering if they should just leave and as soon as my dad gets back in car and they are about to leave a guy dressed in very nice slacks and button up runs up the dark ditch talking to himself, my parents couldn't hear exactly what he was saying so my dad rolled down the window and said is everything ok. my dad was stunned because the guy acted as if nobody was there like he was completely ignoring my mom and dad but that was impossible, he had to hear him say is everything ok.. after saying it once again with no response or reaction from the guy they got freaked out rolled up the windows and left to drive the rest of the way home. the next day my mom called me and told me all this happened but here is the erie part. there was absolutely no reporting from news or any accident reports in that area or during that time. what happened? did my parents slip into an alternate reality and were unable to be seen? what happened to the truck driver, and why wouldn't the nicely dressed man answer or react to them at all. No alcohol was drank that night by any of us, this is still unexplained to this day.

i also wanted to add the other vehicle had no damage and looked to be another driver who was checked on the truck, my dad believes the damage done to the truck looked like it had hit the concrete median, and it wasn't totaled, just badly smashed in one area and was still running.

thanks for all you do Dave, would love to hear what you or the listeners think about that night


My 21 year old son just graduated police academy last year and is now an officer in my small hometown. I worry about him so much but I’m also unbelievably proud of the man he has become. Every police officer out there is someone’s son or daughter. I can’t stand to think of him running into something like this. I wish our world wasn’t the way it is but I’m thankful to everyone in police and armed forces for protecting us every day. Thank you for all you do Dave 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Thank you Dave for keeping these missing cases alive, hopefully one day we will know the truth.


Dave, I’m a truck driver as well and have listened to your videos for a couple years now while I drive through western North America. I listened to the entire trucker series as well and you are spot on with your analysis about what truckers do and don’t do when driving and parking their trucks.

Experienced truckers don’t go into areas not made for big trucks unless they are completely familiar with how to get in and out… they don’t walk away from their trucks and not come back; our trucks are our homes and our livelihoods… we don’t take unnecessary detours… and I personally don’t leave anything in my truck that if it were stolen I couldn’t replace easily; so phone keys wallet headset and/or valuables stay in my body when I leave the truck.

These cases are so disturbing because they line up so well with all the other cases but these are so clearly targeted that they can’t be explained away as easily as someone being missing in the wilderness.


Shout out to Sarah for having her boys in grief counseling & I hope she is as well. You're a great Momma, Sarah. We are thinking of you. Prayers up! 🙏🫂


*Dave states the coroner wouldn't lie; when in reality it is common for coroner's to lie, out of political, and or police pressure; and then there is much incompetence within the medical business.*


Im an OTR truck driver. Had an experience where I think there was an attempt to take me. I wrote dave about it. Ive considered making a video about it


God Bless and Protect our Police officers and their families. AMEN


Thank You for the update on David Schultz


I'm having mental health crisis Dave I spent every cent of my $4, 000 on my son and he was supposed to pick me up to take me to his apartment to stay for a while instead I find myself in a board and Care and I'm in a wheelchair and all my money is gone and my heart is broken pray for me


Dave, I'm praying for a major breakthrough in these missing cases to help stop them


I never knew about what took happened in Charlotte until you reported it. I went to news broadcasts, Joshua Eyer funeral was today. I cried, because I know. I was treated so well in the United States by police and border police they watched out for me. one possibly saved my life when I had pulled over to sleep, unknown to me I had fallen asleep in a major drug crossing and illegal entry from Mexico, plus I left the door open in my jeep. Another officer went out of his way to assist when I was recovering from a bad headache and led me to Lost Dutchman State Park campground, I said in my condition I could not take directions so he drove ahead and I followed. For me to say I cried, I have not been able to cry since 1989. This past year tears have come to eyes but I could not cry. Your decent people in a tough situation and I am so sorry more have to suffer


Too many corrupt cops and too easy to see it now. I was a military police officer as well


I’m not completely done with this episode but just wanted to comment on the police shootings. We lost 2 wonderful men last week here in CNY. It’s something I’ve had a hard time even listening to on the news as I have family members who are part of the police community. It’s so heartbreaking and senseless. Ty to you Dave and anyone reading this that has served in any capacity. You are seen and cared about


As an Otr trucker… appreciate your investigation on missing truck drivers…and buy his 📚 books!!!!


I saw the article in the Ottawa Sun here in ON and thought of you. You are right to think this is most odd because it is.
