Stephen Fry: 'What is a humanist ceremony?'

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Stephen Fry and the British Humanist Association have teamed up to explain what makes humanist weddings, namings, and funerals the ideal options for non-religious people looking to mark major turning points in their lives.

The BHA works on behalf of non-religious people who seek to live ethical lives on the basis of reason and humanity. We promote Humanism, a secular state, and equal treatment of everyone regardless of religion or belief. Our celebrants provide non-religious funeral, wedding, and naming ceremonies.

Credits: Words by British Humanist Association. Narration by Stephen Fry. Animated by Marcus Armitage.

When I buried my grandmother she had an Anglican burial. It was incredibly depressing and hardly anything was mentioned of her as a person or events of her life. My father had a humanist cremation, it was all about sharing stories of his life and the little quirks that made him him. It was much longer and many who came and paid respects had never hard of celebrants or humanism. I know how I want to go out.


Whilst I don't share these views, I respect his ability to talk about humanism without denigrating religion.


Excellent! Morality, decency and social responsibility, including family life, have nothing to do with the superstition of religion. Season's Greeting to all. Happy Solstice everyone :-)


Is there any Humanist chapter or Organization here in India affiliated to Humanist UK.? Kindly advise. Thanks. 🤔


Yes! It's very important to have our own rituals and ceremonies, and that they be authentic and meaningful to each person.


This video made my morning much brighter.


One of the reasons I got involved in humanism many years ago was because of the ceremonies offered for people who stood apart from the norms and conventions, for whatever reasons. It would have been good to have a homosexual couple shown for the marriage as if anything humanism is about inclusiveness.


Well... I've listened to Stephen being reassuring and wise, and I've read all the comments below. I haven't believed in a god for many years, and I believe that when you die - that's it. I feel secure in my belief in myself as a conscious being not dependent on any god. But I do respect those that need to believe in a higher being that is responsible for, or oversees, our lives. Organised religions do provide moral conduct and structure for millions of people. Although, many people in this world don't seem to have even the opportunity to choose what they think or believe. I probably have views like the Humanists, but I just don't want to join a club.


The desire of most people to clothe the important events of their lives in ceremonial is in itself a convincing proof of humanities inherently religious nature. Humanist funerals, humanists weddings and humanists naming ceremonies are in themselves religious events and confirm our need to find ways of responding to the metaphysical dimension of our existence.


Humanism ceremonies perhaps should be inviting to all not just breeders, being a religously abused person, hungry to see us view each other in love not judgemental myth rantings. Humanities survival depends on our will to learn to nurture rather then war. Repair rather then deplete. Be fair to the earth and perhaps be a better human creature.


Would they have a ceremony for a baby being born need to know for homework


to call this "non-religious" is a profound misunderstanding of ideology. see my work.


Is it neccessary? I mean why do we need ceremony? Actually I did not think before watching this video. Do I need this kind of ceremonies? Still do not know. Maybe my social environment is not fit to that. I do not have any non religious friend. So in that loniness it sounds funny to me.


When I die, I'm having a religious ceremony


As long as they don’t put same sex marriage in church (tho some fell victim to it) up to u guys in your belief. I do find ur group interesting without endorsing. Wonder if Glastonbury is humanist capital or Stonehenge


I was considering a Humanist funeral but Stephen Fry and the rainbow logo have put me right off.


Nonsense copycat..marriage is to create trust for both couples.This is religion.


How anybody can believe this is beyond me, when you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and know Him for yourself, this makes no sense whatsoever.

But the one thing you will do is bow the knee before Almighty God. The Bible says, seek and you will find. Why not do that and then you will bow the knee willingly 😇


Where is God? God should be at the center of things.
