How to Defend against Dog Attack - Self Defence

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how to defend against dog attack self defence
It can be a scary situation when you fear a dog is in the mode to attack you. Master Wong provides some good points on how you can deal with different dog attacks. Moving your body in the right position give you a chance to make the right move to possibly put your self out of the danger zone.

~ About Master Wong ~

My name is Master Wong. I created the Master Wong System in 1992. As a Martial Arts Master it is my sincere desire for all of my students worldwide to gain the skills they need and improve the quality of their lives, by following the principles of my system. 

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Other tips (to avoid a fight):
- Pick up a rock (even just pretend to) and threaten to throw it at their face - most dogs run away when faced with this
- If attacked by a pack then throw as many rocks at them as you can pick up. Dont let a pack surround you
- Verbal commands like NO and STOP often work
- Threaten with a stick
- Remove your belt and swing it at them
- I hike carrying a walking stick and a good size fixed blade knife on my belt (if it bit already stab it in the neck and chest)
- Never show fear or back down in a confrontation with an aggressive dog. Stand your ground, show force and authority.
If it takes a step to you to test you, take a bigger step to it threatening it.
Never let them intimidate you, show them who's the BOSS.
- First thing is to not be anxious at all. Relax, talk to the dog in a friendly way, give food if you have, allow it to smell your left hand etc.
All of the above is for when you failed to calm the dog.
These techniques will deter attacks in ~80% cases but dogs that are viscious will not be deterred and will bite you anyway.

In a fight:
- Hammer punches hurt more if you hold something hard sticking out the side of your hand (stick, lighter, sturdy torch, tightly rolled magazine)
- If it bites you try to get on top of it (Dogs cant wrestle), press your knee on its neck to block the airways, hit its face like you want to break its jaw
- If it bites you bash its head with a rock or stab it if you have a knife
- Unconfirmed: throw a monumental slap right on its ear (it works good on humans anyway)


Master wong how to defend mom's flying slippers


I stumbled on this video by accident ... I can’t stop laughing 😂 I love your excitement.


What about if the dog knows martial arts?


Vietnam proverb : If a dog is barking, it's undercooked.


Unfortunately I've had 3 separate dog attack incidents while walking my dog with other off leash dogs. Trying to get a lager dog in a headlock isn't going to happen and you're on the ground off your feet puts you in a very dangerous situation. Couple of weeks ago my dog which is 117lbs was attacked by another 100lbs dog. I made the mistake of being dragged down holding on to two 100lbs plus dogs. As soon as I got up out came my baton as last resort and I managed to drive off the other dog without striking him but merely having the baton deployed and being more aggressive then the other dog worked in this situation. If the dog was more aggressive probably would have been a different outcome.
I've also had a dog bite my arm and latch, I jumped on top of him and rammed my arm down his throat. I'm only 150lbs and the dog was over 100lbs. Never pull if the dog has a hold of you, you'll do more damage. By forcing my arm down his throat he had to release or choke. These are just unfortunate circumstances I ended up in and was my experiences.
I only trained in Mid west Karate for about 6-7 years when I was younger and some additional military type later. I'm by no means an expert in anything except my experience with this. Only reason I commented was because like real combat and dog attacks, it's dynamic and fast moving. Dogs will never let you get around the neck /throat area they panic and get more aggressive.
Great video's and content, cheers!


what if the dog knows how to counter the counter attack against dogs?


Dogs often attack at high speed, often airborne with a long jump, for which there is a simple defense: ~1/3 of a second before contact, step aside and deal with the dog as he passes by. My favorite technique that I practiced on a dog I had trained to do mock attacks, was to bump his chin/neck up as he passed by at chest level. He would then rotate and land on his back. After a few of these, he decided not to do any more long jump mock attacks.


This is how I used to defend myself from my ex-wife!


what if your attacked by a group of angry dolphins


I am still holding the dog, what to do Master?


I've been attacked a few times and safely walked away. I used an open umbrella as a shield and it works very well. They see a solid object and don't know it's only nylon cloth. I once smacked a German Shepard right on the nose with the tip of a large umbrella and it ran away yelping. Once I had no protection from a pair of airedales on the street and I waved my hands, yelled and got one to jump after my hand, as he jumped I gave him all I had with a kick in the belly. That stopped him cold and then the other was too timid to try anything more. Though they wouldn't let me go, until the owners arrived and pulled them away.


this is the theory, now show me plz the practice against a rottweiler


If you look closely, you can see it's not a real dog


So being Asian is not enough to scare away a dog ?...


People talking about shooting the dog or just stabbing it with a knife. you know some people live in places where guns and knifes cannot be carried around in public ?? in ireland where i live it is an offense to carry basically any weapon. even a metal rod or a screw driver you can get stopped for carrying around a pair of scissors. I cant even legally buy pepper spray. The self defence law is a joke where i even have to watch what i do if someone attack's me when i'm sleeping in my own fucking bed. And for that reason tactics like this come very useful because i can put a person or a vicious dog down without killing it and landing me in court or even better a nice prison sentance with big billy bob in the same prison cell.


no wonder why his accent is all JACKED UP, its a mix between a Vietnamese and British.


Gotta love how he told the dog to go Away in the end. Typical for his videos. <3


'What you have to do is avoid the dog biting you, otherwise you will have a big problem' lol
