Senzo Meyiwa murder trial | 28 April 2022

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When Teffo asked Mosia whether the state of the scene supports the allegations of the alleged fighting the happened in the kitchen, he answered yes. When he was asked why he said the hat and the walking stick were at unlikely places(where they shouldn’t be). This means that he knew that the crutch was used in the fight therefore he should’ve taken it for testing. He deliberately left it. Teffo should’ve used this to prove how incompetent Mosia is to leave obvious potentialy helpful evidence meaning he could’ve left other evidence. We can no say that he could’ve left other evidence because of his incompetence


The witness is either incompetent at his job or he knows exactly what happened the day of the incident and he’s trying to dodge the questions that comes close to the truth .


This shows how bad ANC corruption is and how dangerous the ANC has become in this society


This shows that we need new young qualified forensic graduates to be trained for such cases, this thing of using former police as forensic is just bad for the country


Wow and they did arrest him? 🥺R u aware that Advocate Teffo is doing this case for free. Wow what a gentleman?


This court case is for the entire South Africans including Senzoz family, the accused and whole panel in the court to exactly understand what was Mr Mosias intervention when he came to the scene. This man can't answer Teffos questions correctly. He is all over the place. In his explanations he keeps on saying I think, I think, ...I'm confused. He is struggling to express himself in English. This Forensic officer is a liability. I doubt very much that this man knows that we have lost a soul here. It is clear that the judge is very negative towards adv Teffo. We are not kids. 😨😨 The crime scene was tempered when this ignorant Mosia got there. We want to know the master mind behind the killing of Senzo PERIOD. 😨😨


I wonder why the state does this, it seems someone else who is not in the court gives instructions to the state and they are forced to act unethically


I wish I had clarity of whether the fragmented projectile that was found behind the glass jars on the kitchen granite top is the same projectile that made a hole on the clay tile. If it’s the same projectile then it wouldn’t make sense why a hitman would remove the projectile from the floor tile and throw it behind glass jars at the scene instead of taking it with him . secondly if it’s a different projectile that made a hole on the floor and the one that that was found behind glass jars on the table then this means that we can say that there were three shots that were fired the one that killed Senzo the one with the projectile behind the glass jars and the one that left a hole on the floor . Neighbours heard less thn 3 shots which makes me assume that when the scene was being tempered with a silencer was put on the gun and the misleading shots were made.


Translator is unnecessary for us youtube viewers, it just takes our time and data


Nna I want to know why and how the 5 people were found and why accused 3 said this was planned on the documentary. This case is becoming complicated and its sad for the Meyiwa family.


Should they not arrest the people who were in the house for tempering with the crime scene


The judge and the prosecutor though... I HOPE JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED. And I pray for Adv Teffo.


It's seems as adv Tefu knows lots of information which we don't know in this case 🤔 you can hear the way he is asking the witness that he know the truth


I find the prosecution incompetent actually the state. The first people to receive calls regarding the crime scene and the people who arrived on crime scene along with the people whom were within the crime scene should be crossed examined again and notes should be reconsidered for surely different investigation teams were appointed yet some of the findings by some of the investigation teams are excluded, why? It is obvious that the case is involved by powerful, well connected individuals whom takes advantage of their power and compromise the case as whole. The judge must be fair, give each representative a chance to unfold their findings regardless, yes there are proceedings of submitting any evidence before the jurisdiction but how would one come forward when already there are threats because the only way to do so is to do it before the public eye along with jurisdiction of the case for this trials affected the nation as a whole. The arrest of teffo is also one indicator showing influence of individuals in higher position, a warrant of arrest of which is more that 6 months being issued yet no action was taken by the person who requested it. why now and why in the middle of court proceedings of such case that is highly awaited for so many years? As for the minister of police LOL trying by all means to not answer yet all videos circulating clearly shows that the arrest was not conducted in the correct manner, teffo needs to sue the state. Another thing, why postpone a whole month for a case that was pending for the last 8 years, i sense foul play and the prosecution is involved.


Advocate was about to expose these corrupt police


Mosia is just struggling to answer questions 😩


They arrested him cause he is getting somewhere with his questions, sadly for him


Tefo is out of order period ...right question wrong person...


How do you secure a scene not to be tempered with after 4 hours??


Innocent until proven guilty and I believe that the 5 men are innocent I hope justice is served
