Stinson 108 Review - A little talk about the differences and how it flies

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I get a lot of questions about the Stinson 108. It's a plane I quickly fell in love with and will probably keep as a personal craft till I'm not longer a pilot... unless I somehow get a 180HP Super Cub. I made this video to give a simple overview of the 108 series, the differences between the models and why I fly the Stinson 108-2. I am new to the Stinson world and am not an expert, though I have little experience flying small airplanes so I can probably give an educated opinion. This is a little different video and part of out reviews series. Hope you enjoy.
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What a great video about the Stinson 108 series aircraft. We purchased a 108-3 Super Stinson (C-FBPX) back in 2008 and flew it across Canada as part of the Century Flight group summer of 2009 to celebrate 100 years of powered flight in Canada. Everywhere we went people would come out to see and admire the Stinson 108-3. It definitely stirs a lot of emotion in old time pilots. Many pilots that flew with me and put there hands on the controls remarked about how light on the controls the plane was and the saying that "if you can fit it in the airplane, you can fly with it" is pretty much true. We currently are flying a Cessna T-210 equipped with a Robertson STOL kit on it and it is like driving a bus compared to the ease and response of the Stinson. The Stinson will forever hold a special place in our hearts whether we own one or not.


i havbe had my 108-3 since 1972 paid 1500 for it. flew it for many years till i parked in the hanger for about 20 years. thenhad it recovered engine overhauled and flew it for a few more years then parked it again, once again had the franklin over hauled( i have a couple of spares) fabric is fine paint is stiull good but it has been hangered all its life but it is one of a few planes i have flew it up here to washington state 6 years ago from calif. buti also have a 421 cessna and a 182 that is going away. so back to using my stinson for sight seeing. it is a great lil affordable airplane passed its annual 2 months ago with flying colors lol now it isn the radio shop getting some fancy radios. i love that lil plane has always been dependable super easy to fly. and a great off airport plane, i wont sell it for love or money. my dogs like it i fy it to canada just north of me for some wild fishing trips, i am the worlds worst fisherman that ever lived. but that lil plane is fun and safe and like i said super easy to fly.


Got my first chance to conduct a flight review for somebody in their Stinson 108-1 today. I was incredibly impressed with how docile and easy to fly it was.


My Dad had a Stinson Station Wagon (N4082C), large tail version with the wood interior. We made several trips in the early 60’s to the Daytona 500 from West Virginia. We draped a tarp over the wing and camped out in the tie down area. The airport was right beside the race track. Those are wonderful times I will never forget.


Great summary. Thanks for explaining the differences between the various versions. My Dad bought and restored a 1948 108-3. It was a great cruiser. I remember that wood paneling in the back..


Great video on the 108. My dad had a 1946 108 back in the 1970's, and it handled just like you said. At altitude you could stall it, and the plane would just oscillate down and back up. Love your videos it puts back in the Stinson again.


I Have a dash 2 as well. Bought it for all the reasons you mentioned. A great airplane that can haul two big guys, and lots of gear for hunting or fishing, Or 4 folks for traveling. With a climb prop it gets right off the ground. Next on my upgrade list, will be some Alaska Bushwheels. Great video.


I think it is a great airplane and your love of this machine shines through, I learned a lot from you about the different models.


Another great video. I love my 108. I live in Alaska now but I am from Michigan. We moved 8 years ago for the full experience, flying, fishing, hunting, camping, working. Skis go on in a week or so. We drove 11 hrs each way to Anchorage to pick up a set of Federal 2500's. Cant wait for the new off airport experience of skis.


I fell in love with the 108 as a kid reading a book titled “Fly It Away”. I’ve never been in one but I’ve always wanted to fly a 108. If you’re ever down Houston way, I’ll buy the avgas for a ride


Your video is spot on, Scooter. Love my big ugly tail dash 3. I've never flown the small tail, but I have heard that they like to hunt, as you mentioned. The dash 3 flies "straight as a Stinson arrow", but can be a handful in a crosswind.


Thanks for this! Great content on Stinson 108 models!


Great job on the 108....great finish with the blooper :-)


Awesome plane ! Thanks for this video .
I want a 108-2 eventually


Great video. I’m looking at buying one now and this video helps me a lot!


I got out of the army in 69…wanted to fly. Bought a beautiful aluminized dash 3 Station Wagon from Fritz S. In E Lansing. Was at Art Davis field and loved the experience. Flew all grass fields….some golf courses. Enjoyed it about 3 years till I got a job where I had to be there on Monday! Great airplane, easy to fly, roomy interior….. what do you want for $3500? Hope it’s still flying…. 775C.


Great video, I loved it! About all I knew about Stinsons was the viral video of that dude crashing one into the trees at high DA. Glad to see they are great planes!


What a great job you did with this video!!!! If I can get my medical back I definitely would like to be a Stinson owner😁


My 108 no dash is awesome! You're absolutely right on using rudder and the plane hunting for direction especially on power setting changes. I've found the sweet spot on rudder trim and cruise power where I'm able to fly hands off for hours.


There used to be a few flying here in Colorado, but 180’s took over. I flew the 108-3, loved it!
