Appendix C

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1. The boys drove home.
2. I don't want to go.
3. She left after school.
4. It's easy to do.
5. The cat likes to play.
6. We have three of them
7. We are almost done.
8. He is never late.
9. John is learning fast.
10. She is very smart.
11. It was time to go home.
12. I can stay until 6.
13. I was walking the dog.
14. She did not like the car.
15. I have time to relax.
16. The girl and boy love it.
17. The children are happy.
18. I have an appointment.
19. We'll try to help you.
20. Where does Tom live?
21. How much is it worth?
22. They found the answer.
23. Wait just a minute.
24. When did you arrive?
25. Jane bought the last book?
26. Where did you she buy it?
27. When did she buy it?
28. I think I'll ask her.
29. Biff planned to paint the mailbox.
30. They put the picture above the fireplace.
31. Beavers build their homes in ponds.
32. The boys brought peanuts for their friends.
33. We observed the way Fran played the oboe.
34. Bev's verbal ability improved.

35. Which teacher will cover speech pathology?
36. Put each bench on the porch.
37. Use the remote to change the channel.
38. The potato chips were cheaper than the cheese.
39. Jonathon joined the new gym.
40. Jane just returned from Japan.
41. She had a double major in geology and geography.
42. The judge suggested a logical solution.
43. I wish I could find some new shoes.
44. She shopped for a new machine.
45. You shouldn't go to Chicago now.
46. Charlotte found a shell in the ocean.
47. It was a pleasure to visit Asia.
48. We watched the invasion on television.
49. The treasure usually pays the bills.
50. There were many versions of the collision.
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