04 1 web tutorial. css autoprefixer

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**make css code cross bowser with vendor support

git clone "yours_project_url"

**install dev_html_css branch
git branch dev_html_css
git checkout dev_html_css
git pull origin dev_html_css

**create new branch dev_css_autoprefixer
git branch dev_css_autoprefixer
git checkout dev_css_autoprefixer

**install and add new packges "postcss", "postcss-cli", "autoprefixer" to devDeps
npm install
npm i postcss postcss-cli autoprefixer --save-dev
npm start

** replace row "build:scss" to it
"build:scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -r src -o dist -- run-p build:post_css",
** and add to main section "browserslist"
"browserslist": [
"last 3 versions"

** commit
git add --all
git commit -m "dev_css_autoprefixer was created"
**git push orign dev_css_autoprefixer

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