40k Tips and Tricks | How to avoid Heroic Interventions

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In this quick tip, Chris discusses two ways in which to avoid Heroic Interventions- a simple way, and a tricksy way!

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This basically switches off HI as a mechaic, outside of some contextually fortunate positioning for the opponent. Also kind of sad as it means a cool mechanic just becomes procedurally removed - more gamey than tactical, if you know what I mean. I feel like the character should be activated if it started the fight phase in engagement range as a gameplay improvement but I get that's what you're exposing here.
I really liked these short format tip by the way, please keep them coming!


Very nice. Can't wait to see my friends face when I ruin his day next game


Unfortunately I don't think the 2nd method would work. Since Trajan was charged doesn't that mean he gets to activate and pile in 3" before he attacks?


Also, Trajan would be able to HI before you pile in. HI happens after the charge phase and before the fight phase if I'm remembering correctly
