After Death (2023) | Official Trailer

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After Death is a gripping feature film that explores what happens after we die, based on real near-death experiences, conveyed by scientists, authors, and survivors. From the New York Times bestselling authors who brought you titles like 90 Minutes in Heaven, Imagine Heaven, and To Heaven and Back, emerges a cinematic peek beyond the veil that examines the spiritual and scientific dimensions of mortality, inviting us to wonder: Is there life after death?



Featuring original music from Chris Quilala, Tasha Layton, Bryan & Katie Torwalt, Elle Limebear, Maryanne J. George, Brad & Rebekah
© 2023 Sypher Music


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When my Mom was on her last hours on this earth, my sister and I were sitting bedside with my Mom. I knew it wasn't long before she passed. I heard my Mom's breaths lesson until she stopped breathing, and at that exact moment I looked to my right and in the corner was my deceased Dad there. He came to take my Mom Home🙏🙏🙏🙏 I cried and said to my sister, Dad's here to get Mom😢😢😢


My experience was brief but I’ll never forget it. I was taken to the light briefly, and I say taken, because there was someone with me but I wasn’t scared. Everything was bright and white. It was just long enough to feel the most peaceful feeling I’ve ever felt in my life.. I can’t put it into words. While I didn’t see my family members like others, I know it was God who blessed me with a brief glimpse of heaven. I’m not scared to die. I know that the feeling I felt for the brief time is only the beginning of the eternal life, Jesus promised if we except him as our Lord and Savior.


I can attest to the fact that post death experiences are VERY REAL. My heart stopped for 5 mins, when i was 29..I was unconscious at the time. Yet i was able to recall slipping away/being dragged down into the hospital bed..Then a massive rush of lightness/i was above myself looking down watching myself/the doctors etc. It was an extremely peaceful feeling. Until my heart was restarted, and then i felt a huge rush and then heaviness upon being concious again. I was able to relay every action to my partner who was in the room. (Not typically allowed, but he was a nurse there that night!) The human body/soul is incredible. And i pay no attention to those who may dismiss my experience, as it was 100%real


As an ER/ICU nurse, I've listened to countless experiences!!!! I also overdosed myself, and I saw Jesus bringing me back to life because He needed me here on earth yet. I had a child die in my arms on Mother's Day, May 14th, 2000, and I felt the Spirit of The Lord Journey Matthew to Heaven. It was a painful, joyful, peaceful time of LOVE I could not express. Thank you Jesus 🙌🙏✝️


Everyone talking about "home" in the movie makes me start crying because I know I felt it too. It's as if my heart is overjoyed thinking about it. My nde was 3 yrs ago and it i didn't know it was so similar. I never heard anyone describe heaven as home or about the lights feeling like they were coming out of me and connecting to everything and everyone. I didn't understand what it meant to not depressed or anything and just very good.


I've read a couple of books on this phenomenon and I believe one of the people in this trailer wrote one of the books I read. It was the lady, and if it is the person I think it is, she's a medical doctor and her kayake capsized, trapping her under the water where she died and experienced heaven. The amazing thing about this and other NDAs that I;ve read about is that people who experience heaven in this way dont want to come back, they always want to stay. And these are people with husbands/wives and children. Thats how incredible heaven is, in comparison this life and this world are nothing.


I have had that experience twice in my life. That I was dead. The first time I was buried alive under a burning building . And the second time was after I was hit by a car while on a bicycle. And for me both experiences were absolutely wonderful. I did not want to come back . But God had other plans for me.


My grandmother was in a coma, on life support after suffering a heart attack.
They had her like that until I got ther so I could be there with the rest of the family so they could pull the plug. It took me two days to get there in bus from nyc to Tampa. I left on Good Friday and arrived on Easter Sunday. She had the stroke Thursday.
When we got to the hospital and finally they let me in her room. I cried when I saw her with all the machines and tubes hooked up in her. The nurses asked if we were ready. My aunt said yes that’s the granddaughter and I said “mommy” and left the room crying and went across to the chapel that was right in front of her room that I didn’t realize it was a hospital chapel. When I hear screams and nurses yelling and I see them running around and Drs running in my grandmothers room.
She woke up!
She said couldn’t die in front of me!
She said she was floating over her body and saw family coming in and out visiting her and praying over her. She said two dead family members that came to meet with her.
After that I believe in after life, I believe so much. She said detail information especially said what one person wore during a prayer and that she didn’t like his shirt.
She lived for two years after that🙏🏽 I got to spend two more years with her . And yeah, I told her that her daughter, my aunt was trying to pull the plug on fast for the life insurance!


I had one as a 5 year old. I was hit head on by a car while walking up our country road. I remember looking down while the doctors were cutting off my clothing, watching them work on me. I never told anyone until I was in my late 20s. It was so bizarre. I was brought back, and was then looking up at the doctor while on the table, yet I was apparently unconscious.


“If you talk about how you're going to die, or what's going to happen when you die, it frames how you're going to live. And what could be more impactful.” - Mary Curran Hackett. AFTER DEATH's stunning visuals and sound design/score become a portal for transcendence. Can't wait to experience this extremely powerful and thought-provoking visual storytelling immersion.


When I was about 8 years old, I fell out of a pine tree while playing (manhunt) pretty much team hide and seek. I fell from the top of the tree hitting the ground hard. I had a brief moment floating up and I saw two of my friends walking towards where I had fallen. I woke up, gasping for air unable to breathe I used every ounce of strength to crawl to where there path was. I woke up again in the hospital and was told I was that I should have died. I am now 33 and will never forget that day.


Wow wow wow! I didn’t think much of anything with this film. Just needed something to watch. As I was browsing movies I came across this film and so happy it caught my eyes. Grab your tissues bcz this film surely made me cry but it was all happy tears, Full of joy and just gratitude! I highly recommend this documentary to anyone with a curious mind of what it may be like after a NDE


I can at test to those who've gone before come and meet you. As my father passed. He hugged the air. Mom said he's hugging all those who've gone before. There is life after death.


There was always life after death. Religions and Spiritualism on earth have been talking about since day one. Non believers are just harder to convince but the truth reveals itself in the end. Until then keep the faith. We're all going home one day!


At two years old, my mom found me dead and stiff. She rushed me to a hospital where she argued bitterly with a doctor who swore I was dead. To demonstrate, he tried to pop my jaw open to prove it was shut, only for it to pop open as I gasped. He later made himself a cross, "I have seen a miracle today!"

I remember to this day, being escorted down a lane, my family on my left which numbered in the thousands upon thousands. I was wishing them farewell as it was my time to go. I don't remember what happened at the end, but the memory never faded. It was far too real.


I am from Ethiopia, and I just saw this movie yesterday, i believe in everything they say about after death experience. Amazingly there is a Holly water place in the name of saint George, (in Ethiopia, around Gondor)and almost every person who went their and showered by this Holly water experience the exact same thing people even askes to see heaven or hell or different things and i have heard their wishes came true and they get cured from whatever problems they have. And from seeing their testimony even the visions and the images they expressed is similar with those people in this movie. Its just amazes me how God works in his misterious wey. This Hally place is called Bermel Giorgies.


"a lot of people who die and come back, say that everything is more real on the other side, and once back, being back seems more dreamlike."

When I was about 6 years old, I had a very high fever. I believe I probably died.
I saw a woman I'd never seen when it happened.
Nobody, and I do mean that, nobody since then, was as happy to see me, as she was. I'm 53 now.

She was ecstatic to see me, the look on her face, the smile was so amazing. I remember her JOY, and her vibrancy. I don't remember exactly what her facial features looked like, I mainly just remember her JOY!, long dk brn hair, very beautiful !
About 46 years later now, and nobody has been that happy to see me since. Lol

Later I found out, my dad's only sister, passed away, when HE was that age. She passed away with a very high fever. She had long dk brn hair, very beautiful.

She used to protect my dad from the cold when he was little, so he wouldn't catch a fever, when thieves would steal the coal. She cuddled him, and they could see their breath.


I have watched at least 3 of these NDE here on YouTube. I am so grateful that you included Howard Storms powerful story in your documentary! That man brought my Atheist son back to God and the Light! This looks so great. I just hope that it will come to television soon, because we are running out of time and as many people need to see this as possible! I am homebound most of the time, so I will wait as patiently as I can. (I am so excited to get to see Sound of Freedom...finally!❤)


Hello, would like to watch your movie very much. I hope it will be available worldwide soon, including in the Czech Republic. I am looking forward to watch it, thank you!


This movie looks amazing! I read the book of Don Piper. I really hope that the movie makes it loving clear, that there is life after death for everyone. But that Jesus is the only way to get to Gods presence after death: heaven. I say this because Jesus came from heaven to die for our sins cause he really wants us to be with him in eternity. He loves us so much that he don't want to miss us and he really wants to save us from hell. His blood is to precious to deny this fact: The Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to the father, the only door to heaven.
