Palestine: Israel's Defiance and the Global Struggle for International Law #palestine #israel #gaza

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#ICC #ICJ #ilanpappe #gaza #israel #freepalestine #palestinewillbefree #israelihistorianilanpappeongazawar #israelihistorianongenocideandgaza #israelihistorianpappe #israelihistorian #settlercolonialism #israelcolonialproject #israelisettlercolonialism #israelsettlercolonialproject #israelgenocide #israelwar #palestine #historyofpalestine #historyofisrael #israelhistory #palestinehistory #freegaza #gazagenocide #genocide #zionistregime #zionism #zionist #nakba #1948

If you're hesitant to accept the perspective of a Palestinian, perhaps the words of the renowned Jewish Israeli historian Ilan Pappé will resonate with you.

Clip from an interview with renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappé on May 20th 2024 regarding the ICC Israel Arrest Warrant.

Watch the full video here:

Free Free Palestine!
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A long time ago, many people fought to get rid of nazis. Don't act like a nazi
