How To Use The Call To Action Button On Facebook To Generate Leads

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How To Use The Call To Action Button On Facebook To Generate Leads

How To Use The Call To Action Button On Facebook To Generate Leads

The call to action button is an often neglected feature of your business page on Facebook. When used correctly, you can have it generate leads for you.

Use the cover photo to draw attention to the call to action button. Then edit the button for the desired result.

The call to action button can be used to drive traffic to your website (Example: to your site to search for homes), generate an incoming phone call, a message on Facebook, or even to generate a lead (Example: A landing page offering a free market analysis to capture their contact information).

Make sure you follow the steps on the video to configure your call to action button to generate more real estate leads.

How To Use The Call To Action Button On Facebook To Generate Leads
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