WebXR & A-Frame's Co-creator On The Immersive Web's Future & Why It Matters
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Diego Marcos is one of the most important figures in WebXR’s story so far.
At Mozilla he helped kickstart the WebVR standard, which then became WebXR.
0:00 - Intro
1:44 - Origins of WebXR at Mozilla
3:07 - Could something like Firefox OS work in VR?
5:14 - Why is most WebXR content still bitesize?
7:58 - Monetization on the web
8:49 - Will Facebook support the web?
10:05 - Does WebXR need Unity/Unreal export to take off?
11:20 - Advantages of VR web apps
13:31 - Separation of runtime & content
14:32 - What's missing for WebXR to take off?
16:16 - Could WebXR overtake native some day?
17:59 - A-Frame's level & focus
19:52 - Inspect element
20:44 - Multitasking & the metaverse
23:21 - Performance
25:33 - The Future
28:11 - Will Apple support WebXR?
29:40 - Outro
He co-created A-Frame, an open source library to create VR experiences on the web, and remains its lead developer, maintainer, community manager. Marcos now works at Supermedium, a company he co-founded in 2018, developing WebXR showcases and a new kind of browser for VR headsets.
We sat down with Diego in our virtual studio to talk about all of the above, and the future of WebXR as an approach to immersive content in general.
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