How To Monetize Your Website Directory (4 Proven Methods)

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The beauty of directory websites is that you have options when it comes to making money. In this video, I'll give you a menu of different monetization methods to choose from - covering four proven methods (from easiest to hardest) to successful monetization. I also share three key moments where you should begin thinking about your monetization strategy.

But most importantly, your winning monetization strategy starts with knowing why you're creating a directory in the first place.

Twitter/X: @freychu

01:19: Why are you building a directory?
01:48 My personal why
03:20 4 different types of monetization methods
03:26 First monetization strategy (display ads + affiliate)
03:53 Google Adsense (pros and cons)
04:43 Ezoic (pros and cons)
06:51 Mediavine Journey (my favorite)
08:08 Why I still love display ads
08:55 Second monetization strategy (featured listings)
11:43 The volatility of display ads
12:10 Third monetization strategy (selling leads)
13:28 Why selling leads is so lucrative
14:37 How 200 visitors/month can earn more than 85k visitors/month
15:09 fourth monetization strategy (distribution to SaaS or other business)
17:09 When you should start thinking of monetizing (3 pivotal times)
17:18 The first time: Planning for monetization (keyword research)
20:32 The second time: Improving your monetization (when your site is live)
22:16 The third time: Optimizing your monetization strategies (when your site gets traffic)
24:06 A personal favor

If you watch until the end, would love your opinions and thoughts around a community of directory builders :)
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If you made it to the finger guns, I appreciate you. would love to hear your opinions around community :)

So many smart people here. Can't help but to think it's a missed opportunity if we don't find a way to meet each other/share knowledge.


Hey Frey, I see that you uploaded this an hour ago. Just wanna let you know I appreciate your hard work and transparency. Thank you for making these videos.


Yes I would join and have zero experience with directories. I just came across a few of your videos and thank you 🙏


Thanks for covering the monetisation aspect and yes I'd definitely be interested in joining a Directory based community on Skool . Cheers 👍


I am always down to build! I am digging your Flex! I have a few domains that were thinking of doing the same thing and stumbled on your vid. As for your question at the end: having a network or community would be very beneficial to have a squad up of like-minded souls on the same goal... could help cross networking potentials with skill sets and advertisers, markets, ect. Also, Collective could hit up bigger advertisers by offering the ad space on them all! I am a versed designer, logo /branding whore, and print geek and would love some more work to allow me to not have to work for the man. The only thing as a potential concern, that I've found with visions like this is everyone wants their idea to be exclusive to their idea / niech within the group. Which can be awkward at times when you have too many cooks cooking the same meal. If individual nieches dont cross into each other to allow everyone to feel warm fuzzies, in turn, they value the concept and community way more. Becomes a tighter knit engine with less animosity or feelings of competition. But iam sure anything could work with open minds! Link me if anytime to build! Bless Up!


Id join a community if it offered group calls or masterminds, something like that with networking or where we can help each other build and solve problems. Great video by the way


I am in the process of build my first directory thanks to your content. Hoping i stay motivated long enough to see it go live lol. Similar why as you as far as time freedom


Thanks for your content, Frey. I started following you a few weeks ago and can say that your content deserves much more views. Well done 👏 I have discovered directories while watching some SEO videos (I have a small side hustle besides my full-time job). I feel like directories might be something for me, since I have been in sales for a decade and already have knowledge of SEO + wordpress, but definitely need to put aside some time and grasp a bit more knowledge when it comes to building directories. Would love to join a community of like-minded people who are willing to share knowledge and learn more about building directories. Thanks again for the effort!!!


Totally interested in being part of a group of like minded people on building directories.


this is a really informative video, thank you for the free information i just got into web dev and like coding, and i don't want a boss. Thank you for the ideas.


Hey bro, YouTube recommended one of your videos to me a few weeks ago, and I've been following your content since then. I didn't know anything about directories—actually, I didn’t even know they existed hahaha. I'm taking notes to build one soon. Cheers from Brazil!


I could want to join a community. Thank you for the great insights on directory monetization


Super useful content, I've built my first directory with my partner and we're onto gathering data for our second one. Would love to join a directory community with everyone brainstorming together. I've seen a few communities (unrelated to directories) with a discord format but weekly live calls and that makes it very dynamic and engaging, it would be awesome for directories too!


Sure, would definitely join a community like skool. With like minded people we could pull each other along to accomplish making successful directories. Also I believe in you and, to me, that is half the battle 👍


I would join your school. You got me to launch a directory I was working on.


Making breakfast for your kids is a very worthwhile goal. Parenting has an odd way of messing with time. While in the midst of the chaotic parts of child raising it can feel like 'when will this ever end!', but looking back you'll think 'how are you already a teen? you were just 3!'. Those seemingly-prolonged agonizing moments are usually fleeting and the next day/month/year you'll be very glad you put in the time making pancakes rather than grinding on yet another project. You'll have more than enough time to grind when your kids are self-sufficient. Don't miss out, parenting is such a brief (but simultaneously feels like forever) experience.


I would definitely join a community like the one you mentioned at the end of of the video 👍


Thanks! Loving your directory content lately.


Thank you for sharing so much value and being such a humble guy in the process.


I would join a skool community. You could post videos there before publishing to YouTube. I also think having other people sharing ideas with varying niches would help us all.
