At HOME Instant Skin Glow with Collagen Sheet Mask| Benefits of Collagen #skincare- Dr.Rasya Dixit

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Dr. Rasya Dixit | Phone 📞 : 099018 90588 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) | Registration No: 63654 Karnataka Medical Council, 2002
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist | Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, Bengaluru, India
The buzzword of 2024 has bean collagen whether it's a collagen drink and collagen cream and a collagen mask. Because everybody aging and skin tightening collagen as a molecule has come into focus. The very collagen sheet mask which is now becoming advertise as something you can use as an application. Let us look at what is collagen is actually a peptide what is present in the skin in the bones and it offers a tension and strength. So when we increase our collagen we increase the skin tightness and firmness and elasticity. This collagen is actually present in the upper layers of the dermis and procedures like microneedling, microneedling RF and carbon dioxide laser are known to increase it. So are creams like the retinol creams which also increase the the amount of collagen in your skin. So is there a shortcut? Can you apply a collagen mask on your skin? Collagen as a peptide is too big in size to penetrate through the barrier of the skin and go inside and provide the tightness to the skin. So what does the collagen mask actually do? The collagen masks behave like a hydrating product. So it's also got some moisturizing effect on the skin. So when applied on the face can give you an instant glow to the skin it can give you an instant feeling of tightness to the skin. However remember this collagen is not penetrating into your skin and giving you any long term benefits. So it is safe to use it everyday? Yes but it is expensive and it is probably not doing the job that you thought it was doing. So can it be replaced by an oral collagen drink? Can it be replaced by a procedure which is going to induce collagen? The answer that i would give you is yes. So if you think that your skin is becoming loose and you want to increase the tightness of your skin you have to go for a procedure based treatment instead of a collagen sheet mask. Is there a complication of using the collagen sheet mask ? If you're using it just to hydrate your skin to plump up your skin and to look glow for a day, that's not an issue at all. But if you are thinking that this is actually benefiting me in the long run I think you should change your mind invest in a dermatologist recommended collagen boosting treatment like microneedling, micro needling RF, fractional carbon dioxide laser, PRP instead.
Collagen sheet mask for face |Face masks for glowy skin |Skin glowing sheet mask |Collagen mask for face |Best collagen sheet mask |Collagen facial sheet mask |Face mask for young skin |Face mask for plump skin |Best face mask sheets for glowing skin |Face pack for young skin |Skin tightening face sheet mask |Collagen boost face mask |Collagen mask for skin |Collagen face mask before and after
Dr. Rasya Dixit | Phone 📞 : 099018 90588 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) | Registration No: 63654 Karnataka Medical Council, 2002
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist | Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, Bengaluru, India
The buzzword of 2024 has bean collagen whether it's a collagen drink and collagen cream and a collagen mask. Because everybody aging and skin tightening collagen as a molecule has come into focus. The very collagen sheet mask which is now becoming advertise as something you can use as an application. Let us look at what is collagen is actually a peptide what is present in the skin in the bones and it offers a tension and strength. So when we increase our collagen we increase the skin tightness and firmness and elasticity. This collagen is actually present in the upper layers of the dermis and procedures like microneedling, microneedling RF and carbon dioxide laser are known to increase it. So are creams like the retinol creams which also increase the the amount of collagen in your skin. So is there a shortcut? Can you apply a collagen mask on your skin? Collagen as a peptide is too big in size to penetrate through the barrier of the skin and go inside and provide the tightness to the skin. So what does the collagen mask actually do? The collagen masks behave like a hydrating product. So it's also got some moisturizing effect on the skin. So when applied on the face can give you an instant glow to the skin it can give you an instant feeling of tightness to the skin. However remember this collagen is not penetrating into your skin and giving you any long term benefits. So it is safe to use it everyday? Yes but it is expensive and it is probably not doing the job that you thought it was doing. So can it be replaced by an oral collagen drink? Can it be replaced by a procedure which is going to induce collagen? The answer that i would give you is yes. So if you think that your skin is becoming loose and you want to increase the tightness of your skin you have to go for a procedure based treatment instead of a collagen sheet mask. Is there a complication of using the collagen sheet mask ? If you're using it just to hydrate your skin to plump up your skin and to look glow for a day, that's not an issue at all. But if you are thinking that this is actually benefiting me in the long run I think you should change your mind invest in a dermatologist recommended collagen boosting treatment like microneedling, micro needling RF, fractional carbon dioxide laser, PRP instead.
Collagen sheet mask for face |Face masks for glowy skin |Skin glowing sheet mask |Collagen mask for face |Best collagen sheet mask |Collagen facial sheet mask |Face mask for young skin |Face mask for plump skin |Best face mask sheets for glowing skin |Face pack for young skin |Skin tightening face sheet mask |Collagen boost face mask |Collagen mask for skin |Collagen face mask before and after