League Of Legends Garen Solo Top Tips and Tricks

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I give tips and tricks on how to build and play as Garen in League of Legends.
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Hey mr letsread, yea bad start with E, Q better for last hit and poke, some of this items is good and the dorans shield isnt bad, all depends on situation, new doran stack nicely garens passive AND youv got kess dmg from auto attacks, so good vs most toplaners as ad casters, cuz silence doesnt do everything, they can still AA you so its very nice against them, intead of armor or boots


P.s.: ghost is very good, in combination with your Q nobody get away from you, instead of flash cuz its one dash and iys all, they running still away :/ but is situational too, but still prefer ghost, please try make some guides too and lets read comments below YOUR guide, after it comment other guides, its just guy who want try record a video...


-Starting with E
-Starting with dorans shield
-Ghost instead of flash
-Your overall items are awefull
Tips and tricks on how to not climb the ladder with garen...


Atma impaler is bad season 3 atmogs is season 2 and lots of champs beat garen like riven is pretty solid.Garen is fun to troll with lol


That item build is so bad on garen. Why would you build frozen mallet on an ad caster. Your not doing much damage at all once ur enemy builds resistances. Over all dont follow thid guide.
