This is how much the authority controls you | Milgram Experiment

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This is the shocking reality of how much the authority controls you. In this science documentary, we will explore our obedience to authority figures, the dynamic of power, leadership, and authority control over your free will in an experiment conducted by Milgram in 1961 at Yale University.
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I believe this helps explain why many soldiers follow orders even when it seems against all moral reason


Please note as well that there was not even a LOSS for any of the participants of this experiment for disobedience and 65% STILL obeyed the orders. Now imagine the participants actually had something to lose how much higher would that number be?


I had to learn this in middle school, as well as some other things relating human behavior. It was pretty interesting. Some other facts: people will help people with a higher status faster and walk past people in need when everyone else also does (bystander effect), people will become beasts when given infinite authority (Stanford prison experiment, had to stop because it became too gruesome) and people tend to go with the group (Asch conformity experiment).


Realized this when I was in elementary, that people are too easily manipulated by authority figures. It’s funny though how when you try to explain to someone that their actions were influenced by authority figures they will have none of it.


All people are armed with the power to learn. Knowledge of studies like this are how we educate people to not blindly follow immoral demands.


Pretty valuable lesson learned here: Defy the instinct to obey.


I lost my job because I refused the experimental product line since I did not know what the side effects were so I know where I fall on opposing authority figures and what I am willing to sacrifice for my freedom.


I personally believe that after years of working on myself to keep my morals first place no matter the cost, I would have stopped. However, even just one short year ago, I would not have stopped.


Learning this in psychology class was very interesting. We were asked the same question “would you have stopped?” some said yes but many reconsidered and opted to say “no”. We discussed about the ethics behind it, procedure and how this correlates to our daily lives. Fun class with a cool teacher.


I recently read Christopher Browning's "Ordinary Men" about the 101st german police battalion who participated in the Final Solution in Eastern Europe and section of the book discusses the milgram test and its eerie how closely the results from this experiment mirror the behavior of individuals in the german police. (If i remember correctly, in both cases, a small minority staunchly opposed their orders, a large group carried out the orders, though somewhat reluctantly, and a sizable portion not only followed through with their orders, but also went beyond them in cruelty and brutality).This study really does uncover a dark truth about human nature, and it absolutely applies to the real world. On another note, "Ordinary Men" is a magnificently harrowing book that does a suberb job of accurately chronicling the actions of the 101st police reserve battalion, and I can't recommend it enough to anyone who has an intrest in history, politics, or psychology.


Just found this channel and am now addicted to it. Have just watched 10 videos already! Lol

With respect to the Milgram experiment which we studied during a psychology lecture, I think I can safely say I would be 1 of the people to walk out. There is NO WAY I could inflict serious pain to another human being, or indeed, animal. But then again, I am anti authoritarian and distrust most of our so called establishment, but I do understand why others would follow the orders of their, perceived, superiors. Its just shocking the amount of people that would go along with it!


I think hearing about studies like this is great. But I’m always wondering, how do we go about our lives now? Can we even change these patterns in humanity? Is it curse to always be this flawed, or is there a possibility of getting rid of these flaws?


If you ever look around you and wonder how we became such an immoral people, here's your answer. Year after year, decade after decade, we're worn down by every powerful and influential institution. What one generation tolerates, the next embraces, rinse and repeat.


you know people can call me a brat all they want, it is truly a gift that i wouldn’t do this bs just because i was told it was ‘the right thing’. its a gift that i can question things. i feel lucky.


love your videos, we watch them every psychology class 😁


At first I was scared, I started with 500 dollars but now am making profits with her. All thanks to her and her great methods.


I was positively outraged for the first half of the video until I learned I’d been tricked, to my great relief. As a teenage girl, I find myself wondering how this experiment would go in the present day if five hundred of my peers and myself were invited. I hope that we have a slightly firmer sense of morality, but I’m just overall glad that there weren’t actual shocks being administered. And a bit annoyed for not having realized it sooner, to be honest. What a fascinating story, sort of unbelievable in a way. I just found your channel and I’ve already watched what feels like a dozen today! I think your style is super cool and I’m surprised you’re not more popular already, but I know it’ll happen soon. Thanks for making your wonderful, informational videos!


Be the kind of person who wouldn't just stop, but who would seek to stop the experiment (believing it was real).


“Your past does not excuse unethical or immoral behavior”
-Star trek
I love this quote by Commander Data. Rings so true to me. The I was just following orders excuse holds no water with this argument.


This is truly a "we live in a society" moment.
