Dukan Diet (Attack Phase) - What I Eat in a Day

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Welcome back to my channel, Little Life Guru. This has been a much-requested video, sorry it's taken me some time to do it. Allot of you requested a video on What I Eat in A Day on The Attack Phase of The Dukan Diet. This is just one day, I have lots of other recipes and suggestions, so if you would like to see more then let me know.

Breakfast - this is the most important meal of the day. Low-fat yogurt and Oat Bran. It's really important to eat breakfast, do not skip breakfast. If you do that it will jeopardise the rest of the day and the success of your weight loss. Oat Bran is the only carbohydrates you will have in this phase of the diet and it's crucial for helping with digestion and avoiding constipation. If you are in a rush, you can put your breakfast in a Kilner Jar like this one and take it with you.

Lunch - eggs will be your best friends on this diet. So eggs are key. I ate them loads during the Attack Phase. Today I made an omelet with smoked salmon. I use low-calorie olive oil spray. I tried making them without it and all my pans got pretty burnt and ruined.
The eggs make it really filling and the salmon gives it lots of flavour which is key.
Dinner - for dinner I cooked tuna steak and had more eggs on the side. Tzatziki is also a nice side item to have with fish or meat, it just adds some flavour and variety.
Fancy something sweet? Well I did on the Attack Phase. I would highly recommend making up Jelly or Jello as you guys call it in the US. I made jelly up in glasses and plastics cups which meant I could take it to work with me. I would make up a batch to last the whole week so I could go and grab one from the fridge either as a snack or dessert.
I put this little chart together to give you a picture of the kinds of things you will be eating during the Attack Phase. You just need to try and be as creative as possible with the foods and flavours you are allowed to eat. Remember it's only for a week - as I recommend in my Attack Phase Video (do check that out too). So on the 7th day you will be able to introduce other food groups and flavours back into your diet. Good luck, let me know how you get on.
If you enjoyed this video please give this video a like and subscribe to my channel if you would like to see more videos like this. As I said this is just one day and a few recipes, I have loads more from this phase and all the other phases. So if you would like me to make more videos. Just leave me a comment and let me know.

Wherever you are in the world today, I hope you have a great day.
Thanks for stopping buy at Little Life Guru. xx

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Fat free Greek yoghurt, cucumber (grate, salt, leave then squeeze) garlic, chopped dill and or mint.A little white wine vinegar.Sadly no olive oil but this tzatziki really helps with chicken, prawns or any meat/fish on this diet.


My attack week was ROUGH for the first 4 or 5 days... Cutting sugar out has been HUGE. I dont own a scale, so weigh myself every couple of weeks. Im going to book an appointment with my DR to show her my progress :-)

Fish, chicken, lean beef, lean pork, and shiritaki pasta were my best friends...

First day of cruise phase was heaven.. like id never eaten before. I had a super nice juicey steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions, with fresh broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots with home made fatfree dip! Was AWESOME!! Since now I do the alternating protein/protein and veg. Ive lost roughly 55 pounds (through my biweekly weigh ins) in about 2 months.


Thank you for this! I lost 6 lbs on the Attack Phase and now I am in the Cruise Phase! Keep the videos coming!


starting the diet today! so excited to see the results!


I start the dukan on the first of January. I did it last year starting the same day, all the way into June. I lost 18 kg and felt great. But losing the weight is not the issue, cause it's easy. It's keeping it off longterm that's the problem, Needless to say, I put it all back on, but totally my fault.
BTW, I ate the oatbran in a yoghurt every day until I wanted to puke. I got so fed up with the stuff, even the "crepes" you can make with them, taste like cardboard.
But if you do this diet in winter, try to make it into a porridge. With no-fat milk and a it of liquid stevia and cinnamon. Hmmm delicious!!!
Don't forget to drink a lot. I started drinking green and non sugary fruit tees, at least 2 liters to help your kidneys and to wash out all the toxins. That's super important.


Thank you. I start tomorrow. This really helped!!


Would love to see more info on all phases of the Dukan Diet


Hi, Thanks for the menu. I am new with Dukan. Started yesterday. Last night I had to go to a dinner arranged by work and I knew there would be all sorts but I grilled my own chicken and resisted everything even the chocolate cake, a first. I drank 3litres plus of water throughout the day.
For breakfast I had one egg with the bran and left over bit of chicken. What seasonings can one use?


the low fat blueberry yoghurt is full of carbs. You might want to check the the nutritional information first before buying flavoured yoghurt. I wouldn't be eating this during the attack phase.


Thank you ! Lots of great ideas, love it !!


It's worth mentioning that on the attack you can eat as much as you want providing your in a calorie deficit. Your meals look very sad, and not sure it will drive people to start.


How much yogurt and what weight of bran please


I’ve tried and tried to eat oat bran but it just makes me wretch. I’ve made the pancake, stirred it into yogurt and tried the porridge. It’s got the texture of chewed up fingernails and I can’t make myself eat it. I’m wondering if it’s available in a pill form or some other way to eat it. It’s the only part of dukan that i ducan’t!


Hello, love your videos, I am starting the Duncan soon, just wondering how flavored yogurt is allowed in the attack phase? As I understood the fruits are coming later in the 3rd phase. By the way it’s my favorite yogurt brand.


more food suggestion pretty please. i am in cruise phase now and enjoying the weight loss.


just wondering, coffee with protein+ soy unsweetened milk and sweetener yay or nay during the attack phase?


hey ik this is super old but what time do you have these meals? breakfast lunch and dinner ?


You’re meant to limit eggs to two per day or unlimited without yolks


I really hope i get a quick reply lol but what is ur macro breakdown...I know attack phase is mostly protein but the low amounts of fat and carbs are confusing..like how much is allowed in a day for attack phase grams wise and also afterwards...the cruise phase how much are you allowed for fat protien and carbs...


Hi there. I started the atak phase 3 days ago so today is the 4th day and I loose probably 0, 5kg just. Is it ok? Will I lost more?
