No no go back I think you pulled out the right item there. linkthedot
No no go back I think you pulled out the right item there.
"It's to lure beavers out of hiding." Weird_Alchemist
"It's to lure beavers out of hiding."
The valley girl accent, “it’s somewhere in my inventory~” then panicking 😂😂 DanielLopez-jlis
The valley girl accent, “it’s somewhere in my inventory~” then panicking 😂😂
😂😂😂😂 Also I love Shondo doing the voiceover nebuladevelopments
😂😂😂😂 Also I love Shondo doing the voiceover
That got me cracking up😭😂. The chaotic energy of those items and the scream lmfaooo beanmachine
That got me cracking up😭😂. The chaotic energy of those items and the scream lmfaooo
You can’t fix her she but she can fix you 💀💀💀 Luna_is_gaming
You can’t fix her she but she can fix you 💀💀💀
I can't handle two adorable voices constantly speaking to me... bingekarlo
I can't handle two adorable voices constantly speaking to me...
That is not a fair match up... need smol Mita for smol imouto wife. DraakoTheDragon
That is not a fair match up... need smol Mita for smol imouto wife.
It was such a powerful weapon shondo couldnt handle it anotherboi
It was such a powerful weapon shondo couldnt handle it
The real horror is the anxiety of wondering if you could get demonetized at any moment. adummy
The real horror is the anxiety of wondering if you could get demonetized at any moment.
Sometimes I forget that Shondo is like a professional Voice actor citizenvulpes
Sometimes I forget that Shondo is like a professional Voice actor
Remember: FallenShota wouldn’t wish you a Happy Birthday. bunnyonabunwithagunnicepun
Remember: FallenShota wouldn’t wish you a Happy Birthday.
Wait why is there a gun did you randomly get it through my PlayStation IsaiahMorales-xf
Wait why is there a gun did you randomly get it through my PlayStation
If they dubb the game in english, Shondo should be Mita stanisawzokiewski
If they dubb the game in english, Shondo should be Mita