Repertoire: The BEST Schubert 'Unfinished' Symphony

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Once again, many recordings, many of them excellent, but a few are truly distinctive, and a couple are just extraordinary. Find out which ones!
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My favorite "Unfinished" for quite awhile now has been Sinopoli's first recording, with the Philharmonia Orch. Also contains a wonderful performance of the Mendelssohn "Italian" symphony.


I've known and loved the Bernstein NY Phil, which was one of the first CDs I ever purchased, conveniently coupled with the Beethoven 5 on CBS Great Performances. Funny story: my college friend, whose dad (Igor Kipnis) was a critic, hated Bernstein but loved the Carlos Kleiber recording of the Schubert, which when I listened to it, sounded a lot like Bernstein's in terms of tempi and phrasing. One day I snuck my Bernstein CD over to his room and suggested we listen to the Schubert Unfinished. He was away from his stereo and asked if I would put it on (he assumed we'd be listening to his copy). After a few minutes of listening, he gave a satisfied sigh and said "there's nothing like a great Kleiber performance!" I said, "well, it turns out, you're enjoying my Bernstein performance!" Needless to say, he didn't appreciate being tricked!


Surprised no one mentions Carlos Kleiber with Vienna Philharmonic, absolutely white hot and intense performance


Dave, I'm so glad you lifted up the Jochum Schubert 8th Sym. with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Not only is the Boston group totally "on" in their beautiful playing
under Jochum, but it seems that Jochum always had a real feel for this symphony. He also achieved a fabulous and magical Schubert 8th in conducting the Concertgebouw Orchestra (April 1952). This classic performance is on Tahra 238 and is coupled, as it was on the original (pre-box) DGG cd, with a magnificent Beethoven Sym. 5. Jochum seemed to have both of these works deep in his soul. Both renditions are "top of the pile" recordings of this heartfelt music.


Love the recommendations. Would really appreciate if you held the CDs up closer to the screen so I could read some of the conductor names. Makes it easier to search. I don’t know all the conductor names…


I tried finding the Jochum recording both for download in the iTunes store and the CD on Amazon without success. But I would like to mention a Denon recording I have of Suitner with the Stastskapelle Berlin. The 30 second clarinet solo in the second movement is to die for. Probably a recording David is aware of already.


Subjectivity is king. Everyone has favourites in the S8. I am mystified, however, by the use of the word 'beautiful' when it is one of the most nihilistic utterances in the symphonic canon. When he penned this work, Schubert was looking into the abyss which returned the stare with interest. A great performance of the S8 should scare the Devil himself. To my big hairy antipodean ears, Mackerras holds little appeal, being a variant of Gardiner's (Jeggy's) trademark Brisk Efficiency. Personally speaking I find that the likes of Furtwangler, Karajan (second EMI re-take after the back operation) and Kna (1950 radio broadcast with the Berlin Phil) deliver an outcome darker than black. That's me. Again, it is good that we all hear things differently. B


Just listened to the Jochum: it has some nice elements (there’s a wonderful emphasis on V2, Va as the Andante returns to opening), but he seems to slow down at nearly every transition. It creates a smoothing effect that diminishes the impact (surprise) of the transition. Not really to my taste, but thanks for the recommendation!

Personally, I haven’t heard any better interpretations than those of Günter Wand.


Would love to hear your thoughts on the best recordings of Schubert’s Fifth Symphony


Is the Joachum recording of the Unfinished the one paired with Mozart’s Jupiter Symphony or is it a different recording


Confession time. I actually like Marriner. It’s not so much the Marriner part. I think the conducting is over calculated and a bit drab, but I rather like the completed version. The finished scherzo turns out to be one of Schubert’s most invigorating, and IMO, the Rosamunde music works well as a finale. I don’t claim it supplants any of the great recordings you cited, but I still like hearing it.


It always baffles me why so few people record the whole thing, since we're pretty certain about the entire finale and there's only a bit missing from the scherzo. And it works so much better (if you set nostalgia to the side for a sec). The only issue is that some musicologists insist on "completing" what is already complete (you listening, William Carragan?).


Since you mentioned it, here is an HIP recording with the Bruno Weil and the Classical Band which does treat the last note of the first movement as an accent and not a diminuendo. Warning, the second movement is very quick!  


Riccardo Muti's Schubert is really terrific. He puts away all the german "heaviness" that many austro german conductors had with Schubert...also Guido Cantelli is wonderful in the Unfinished


For me, the perfect performance is the live 1968 Karajan with the Vienna phil (from one of those Salzburg festival boxes). The most intense and violent performance I ever heard which really digs into the music (and is a complete opposite to HvKs rather sluggish studio efforts).


I was hoping you might mention the wonderfully idiosyncratic and dramatic Sinopoli - his launch on DG from memory.


Good choices ! Coincidentally I listened to Munch’s Schubert 8 and 9 yesterday and was entranced throughout. Jochum also recorded the Unfinished with the Concertgebouw in the early sixties. It’s fabulous. Walter’s is superb too, especially the second movement.


I smiled at you singing the tune, EXACTLY as my (late) father used to, and he even looked a bit like you. Thank you, I appreciated hearing that very much!


If you get the Jochum/BSO recording of the Schubert "Unfinished" in an individual CD from Japan, it is coupled with a splendid recording of the Mozart "Jupiter" Symphony, also with Jochum and the Boston Symphony.


Its again the Furtwängler that bring my into the magic world of Schubert...well thank you for opening my ears broader here for Jochum again, I will listen to the Munch and Mackerras for sure!
