At the site of the deadly Oakland fire

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The death toll continues to climb as a result of a deadly fire at a warehouse in Oakland, California. The fire broke out during a party at the building dubbed the "Ghost Ship." CBS News correspondent David Begnaud shows us around the perimeter of the property.
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This is probably the most informative report on this tragedy. David Begnaud did a tremendous job covering the story comprehensively.


Great video, walking and talking, explained how people just kind of need a place to stay now a days; so they end up living in places like these. Seemed like you were in you element, well done.


I love how he try to act like he know about that area


So sad ... all those young creative kids.


In Oakland warehouse fire, fire fighters failed to save even one life!


Have cops roll up to places like these more often, where large group of people hang out and live, partying as well. Could have been a freak accident but these places could have the potential to be more hazardous. 37 is a high death count.


One person interviewed said she had escaped the fire only to find no fire engines, and had to personally run barefoot to tell them there was a fire around the corner as many others had reported not being able to get through on 9-1-1 from their cell phones. Perhaps this should be investigated? Maybe more could have been saved if this Fire Station from one block away responded in time?


Time to prosecute the real estate developers


A real a society of too many bad laws and too few good (common sense) laws : combining this with a society given so many reasons to give little or no regard, fueled by a wain in respect for the As if this were a third world these were real these were fellow Americans; well at least some of them might have been, but they were all humans, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, fathers, mothers, just maybe had laws been set more towards serve and protect versus dictate plus subjection toward a drive to make it actually too many run head on into oblivion driven by the incessant domination by the law that is too god damned blind to use common sense.... those live could have all been saved had things been just a bit different.... period. Those not acceptable in societies norm (seek a refuge) as any refugee would.... America can really suck for those cheated of the dream. If they had just been there to serve and protect instead of make the pig grind.... then they could have been in a position to serve and protect here. This where a little common sense policing versus American Storm Trooperism would have paid off. Nobody there was afforded "Serve and Protect" or that place would have been made as safe as possible through mutual co-operation regardless of the hurdles (red-tape). reality is this could have all been prevented by some common sense on all so many of our people.... what a
