Iron Man's Arc Reactor: The Science Behind the Fiction

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In my head cannon, the original palladium reactor was a cold fusion device. The palladium acting as a catalyst in the fusion of hydrogen to helium, with the palladium eventually becoming degraded due to a secondary chemical reaction. (It is not clear what the source of hydrogen is as the base of the fusion reaction.) This is why he was being poisoned in the second movie, since pure palladium is not toxic to humans. The transition to an unnamed element (apparently vibranium in the novelization of the script, but I believe that to be incorrect) was more than shifting to a different catalyst however. One can see a tessaract drawing in the notes from Howard Stark when Tony is watching the film clip. Since Howard Stark later had access to the tessaract, I believe Tony (based on his father’s unsuccessful research) was able to replicate the Hydra (and later SHIELD) results of using the tessaract (not necessarily the Space Stone inside it) as a source of energy. Anyway it’s all fantasy…


By now, I think there is a greater source of Energy better than nuclear fusion, the dark matter technology, not yet in any comics


Apparently they have not seen the YouTube videos of Alex labs


This is the potential of carbon in you ⚛️💜🔴⬛️🔵🟤🔷🔶🟡➿👁️‍🗨️ titanium veins 🟰😏
