How to knit fast and easy - 4 | Tutorial | Beginners | 1x1 Rib Stitch Pattern

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Here you will find tutorials about Continental style Knitting and Crochet.
I hope you’ll find some interesting ideas, lessons, secrets for make your hobby more exciting, your projects more beautiful and professionally looking.

Today we are learning to knit one more basic popular pattern: Rib Stitch. After learning it, you can change quantity of stitches in groups for have various finish for every project.

Good luck 🤞

So my regular style knitting is working much better for me right now. Trying out your picking off the first stitch and purling the last. So far it is sorta working. I am however getting better at the regular way of knitting. That is a plus. I'll keep trying this continental way but for now I'll need to stay on the regular way. Maybe I'll try holding everything in my right hand and knit that way. Don't worry about your words and no need to explain. Just do your videos and you will get better. It gets easier as you go. Just like with knitting or spinning or just about anything. Practice. I'll keep trying. Always moving forward. Never back.
