Oh boy, I guess Baby Shu might’ve taken things a bit too far once she said that her father’s father was dead and that he might not be able to have a son whatsoever. I do hope you still manage to recover from that madness inside you there though 😮
For those who didn’t know
What she said was that there was grandfather a father and a son right? And she said that there was 2 fathers and 2 sons those 2 fathers were grandpa and dad and the two sons were the dad and the son
Just for those who didn’t understand it very clearly when she said that there was a grandfather too
You worn squid game dress player no. 456
Two fathers. dad and grandpa
Two sons. Dad and son
my dad would’ve set me up for adoption😀
Plot twist:the monter was pregnant with a boy
For those who don’t understand :the grandfather and the father are both dads and the grandfathers son is the dad and his son they are both sons and they all three ate one slice each
Omg this is so random but i just watched this movie called "Five Blind Dates" and Shu is in it and her character name is Lia and she slayed and left no crumbs!!
I realized that this was posted a few mins ago and that's why it has so little likes 💀
Do u actually eat animals like I see on YouTube that Asians eat animals