Calculating the tension in the wires for a floating LEGO (tensegrity) table.

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Suppose the top (floating part) has a mass of 250 grams (with the book) and a center of mass as shown below. What is the tension in the middle support wire? Assume there is only one wire on the left (really there are two - but I’m trying to make it simpler). Find the tension AND direction for the two wires.

Bonus - here is how to build your own LEGO floating table
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hey hope you see this!
how can you calculate how, much weight can the top shelf (floating) hold based on the boards and strings properties?
i really appreciate if you answer here or even make a video about it :)
thanks in advance <3


Saludos, Buen video, me gustaria saber si tienes algun material que explique o sabes como puedo diseñar la estructura de la tensegridad de palitos de madera o de MADERA basa, para que aguante unos valores especificos, es decir yo poder calcular que tipo de estructura me aguantaria 3kg, que dimensiones y forma debe tener, de que depende y eso, gracias anticipadas.


can u help me to find its centeroid or equilibrium?


Hello, I am a fifth grader looking for some science fair project ideas using tensegrity. Could you share some ideas?


How do you know the center of mass is 3 cm from the point o ?
