Loser's VS Winner's Mindset: The BIGGEST Difference in Gaming

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You ever wonder why most successful pro players seem like jerks?

Even in sports the most talented can be arrogant?

Perhaps even a creator or someone with influence potentially mean spirited?

After lots of guides & coaching I wanted to share a trend and provide insight on what is making these individuals succeed and how it is dramatically impacting your gameplay.

Disclaimer: Remember while these qualities can bring out a winners mindset, it’s important to have empathy and provide a healthy balance.

Not all situations are black & white.

Goal is to explain the largest variables and hopefully in anything you do in game or life you can do self reflection.


00:00 Winner VS Loser Mindset
00:52 What Pros Have CONFIDENCE
01:54 Having Low Self-Esteem
02:27 How Does This Impact Gameplay
04:34 My Solve To Fix Confidence Problems
06:11 The Problem You Can Run Into
07:28 The Ego
08:53 The Solve

To be confident, you need to put in genuine hard work to get to where you are at. Even if you are naturally talented.

Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard.

Voice your opinion, listen before and after, don’t be afraid to fail, try new things.

How you approach others is how your gameplay will be a reflection.

♫ Music
Donkey Kong Country 2 OST


I hate how creators like faide almost encourage people to be mean spirited or cocky by saying whatever comes to their mind when they’re streaming. Kids take that and run wild with it.


FAST ANSWER: Confidence!! CONFIDENCE! But we breakdown how that works, practice, mentality, ego, and going too far into one direction!


This hit home massively for me. I’ve always felt like there’s a decent Apex player inside of me but after so many consistently negative experiences in my 5 years with the game, I find it incredibly hard to ever gain long lasting confidence in my ability. Sure there are times when a good game gives you a massive lift and you go into the ensuing games feeling great, and the decisions you then make in those games are more aggressive and I finish up thinking “yeah, I can do this”. But then the next day comes around, a couple of bad opening rounds leads you down the opposite path and you became more uncertain and passive. Apex is a rollercoaster for sure - and tbh, possibly why I’ve stuck with it for so long. If I was amazing every game I’d probably get bored. What I enjoy the most about Apex is that grind for gradual improvements in consistency. I’m a 46 father of 3, I don’t put endless hours into the game these days so I must temper my expectations on my improvement. I have way more lows than highs in this game but that makes the highs so much more rewarding. I just wanna get to a level where the highs/lows are about 50/50! 😂


You learn this in sports, art, music, dance, hell even fashion immediately. It’s amazing how the basic concept of confidence is just missed by so many people in this community so they just insult or berate because their ego is that fragile.


Ages ago the player Coach Nihil said that a winning streak was often actually bad as it led to a laziness where you start to think you’ll win and no longer work hard to win, the mentality that led to you winning in the first place.


It's awesome how you put this into words! I've had rough times on Apex to the point I would just go to the firing range on a daily basis, I've been playing more recently but I still don't have the same confidence as I used to, sometimes watching content boosts my confidence, but if I get third partied over and over again every game it's just a matter of time untill I get sick of it... Sometimes I even land at the edge of the map at the end of the trip of the dropship just to realise that 4 or 5 other teams landed there too and I already know I won't make it to the first ring closing... But no matter what I always break it down and focus on what went wrong and what I could have done to avoid it.


Bro you are a seriously amazing content creator 😃 apex is my main game and I've seen you grow since day 1 love your content keep it up


Dazs, Your videos always make me happy, so I subscribed!


Worth noting: It's a lot harder to figure out the right things to be confident in when playing with randoms. Ex. You are fighting and knock a member of the other team and have a massive advantage, but you know if you push and capitalize your teammates are just going to sit there and not back you up. That stuff kills confidence. I've sort of gained the mentality of "never be the one to push" when playing with randoms.


This is something I picked up as a competitor in now dead Gundam Evolution and always preached to my teammates about. Ans while I can explain these concepts and such to others, I always take so long to get to the point. I'm glad this video exists because it's now the exact video I can link to when explaining about mindset and how it affects your gameplay.


Came to this channel to be good at a game ...feeling like I'm getting good at life...thanks man.
Love your mentality 💙


thoughtful video, can be applied generally to life as well.


This video could not have had better timing. Thanks for making this vid man, I do feel this is something that plays a big part in any game or life in general


Thank you once again for this strangely timed toughtful video Dazs!


A person I have been playing Apex Legends with since Season 3 just told me he has been using DMA PCI-E cards and wallhacks this whole time. He has never been ban or suspected of cheating.


omg is this the video i have hoped for??? :DD cannot wait to listen


Listened for ten seconds! It’s called placebo effect! You’ve been bamboozled!


This video can be applied to so many lessons in life. Great content.


This vid is also helpfull for real life


I think personality is why I struggle with positioning.

Also I struggle every season playing the game bc I dont know if this will be the season I suck. Lol
