Biden’s Student Debt Relief Program Blocked By Federal Appeals Court

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President Biden’s plan for student debt relief is facing a new setback after a federal appeals court issued a nationwide injunction on the program, temporarily blocking relief of up to $20 thousand for millions of Americans. NBC News legal analyst Danny Cevallos breaks down what led to the injunction and what it means for students who have already applied for relief. 

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But they can throw money to other countries without hesitation


The reason this is a problem in the first place is that universities kept on raising their tuitions over the past 30 to 40 years. When my dad was in college, it only cost several thousand dollars every year which he was able to pay off throughout the year with his job. When scholarships and grades are the only things keeping students from incurring massive amounts of debt, and when students on average are not usually able to receive that many scholarships because of poor grades or other reasons, when adults place such a high priority on students getting a college education, and when students are on average financially unstable and even sometimes profligate due to immaturity - the student is destined for financial ruin. We need to solve these four issues before we are able to have this discussion again.


WHY ? WHAT IS THE REAL REASON People here in America aRE SO AGAINST relieving Struggling America students from paying the money back? Where is the BLOCKING, Injunctions when AMERICA SENDS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO other countries? But yet, there is a problem when Money is given to help Americans in America? What is wrong with this picture?


I got straight A's 60, 000 dollars later I have a degree i chance to provide my family with a better future. I pay taxes, my husband pays taxes. My debt I could have got a loan to buy a house a new car. However this is what I chose because I am a female and working at walmart the rest of my life with three children just isn't going to cut it. I am sad to see all the people who view this as a negative. These students are striving for better young and old to be a better member to our society and spend the rest of there life paying for it. America as of 2020 could definitely benefit from more educated people who question what they are told by media family and friends. The way I see it is we should encourage and reward people who are contributing to the betterment of our country. We hand out millions to congress members millions to people who live on medicaid but god forbid we help those that are trying to help themselves cause that makes sense.


Why make it even more challengingly expensive for young people to get ahead in life? It's ridiculous that Americans have to pay for such an expensive College education.


We're filing a class action lawsuit


This country is so stupid with higher education funding. Europe and other countries are free and very cheap affordable with no debt. College in US is student debt.

You're better off going to college outside of America and then work in US after your degree overseas. You won't be in debt and get a quality education in place that US doesn't do.

I know people that left the US for jobs in Brazil and Argentina. They left for South America and they're much better off than US that those guys are glad to have left America.

So glad I went to college smart without debt and now I can look into going to Australia for work and other opportunities with no debt after having my degree and losing my job before pandemic and job offer lost during that time.

It ain't worth the debt here.


If biden pulls this off, He gets my vote. Imagine getting mad providing billions of dollars in relief to american citizens education but not giving a f when billions of dollars are sent overseas for senseless wars.


And some young people and their parents actually voted Republican knowing that this vicious party is standing in the way of student debt relief!!! It's unbelievable and sad!!!


why no judge dont block bail outs? or money to fight other peoples war?


Of course this isn’t fair, but it was never fair or sensible to charge students for their education. If you educate your youth they get better paid jobs and pay more income tax, they also have more money to spend and that boosts the economy.
How is it fair to those who have just cleared their debt?
He was just buying votes with a promise that either will not happen or the tax payer will pay for.


There assumed the debts on There own knowing they would be responsible for them.
Pay your own debt like adults not some winey little child that wants everything handed to them.
Grow up!!!


Went into trade school was promised a job that I could look after my family on as long as I was there and passing spent a whole year there perfect attendance soaring grades. In the end rudely they told me to sign papers to pay it off. once I signed the the papers under understanding that they would help me find a job in the field they disappeared. I was stuck with 9k in loan debt and no job to pay it off the school closed their doors during covid pandemic. Current president makes a big deal about student relief ofc during mid terms I signed up for it, Ik free money isn't a thing but still I have a skill that I might nvr be able to use and it's really depressing. and people likely have worse experiences just feel college and trade schools are overpriced for what they offer after going through it myself if it were 1000 usd that would be fair I'd have stayed there for 3 years and expanded my skills so much.


Looks like they got tricked big time.lmao


Pretty slick mr Biden, pretty slick. I saw what you did there..


Really, a single place in Missouri, a single corporate entity is the reason why a whole nation of educated people are being refused relief?


If Dems want the younger vote, they’re gonna have to fight for us – not get our hopes up


Dubai pay for their citizens to go school for free why not America but is able to find money to throw at other countries for assistance


Student debt isn't about irresponsible young people taking out more loans than they'll be able to pay back.

It's about a corruption cycle between loan companies, lobbyists, and our lawmakers, designed to make them rich and powerful — AT YOUR EXPENSE.


Cry babies ought to be happy our youth is seeking higher education instead of whining about a little debt relief.
