The shocking results of the Migram experiment #americanhistory #learning

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Yes, our American History book talks about slavery. It's a horrible part of our past, and we need to learn about it so we never repeat it. Ethan and Emily learn about it throughout the story, and we have content that discusses the African slave trade in more detail too.
It is a horrible part of America's history, but thankfully we abolished slavery. It is sad that slavery still exists in places around the world today.
We believe that all history should be taught so children can learn from the past and continue to improve our world today. #americanhistory #learning
It is a horrible part of America's history, but thankfully we abolished slavery. It is sad that slavery still exists in places around the world today.
We believe that all history should be taught so children can learn from the past and continue to improve our world today. #americanhistory #learning