Intro to Radio Strategies For Preppers

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I'm creating a mini series of videos geared for preppers. I've held a lot of tactical knowledge close to the vest for many years but now I feel its time to pass the torch and train the trainers.

Join me for some tactical insight to really integrate your comms into your prepping plan.

Show Notes:
Join Me every Monday at Noon Mountain Time (1800 UTC) for the 2 Alpha Ham Radio Podcast Live. I'll bring in short subjects that we can dive in and look at, you can bring up subjects to discuss. You can also join me as a guest on the show.
Wires X: Youtubers 40448
FCS Reflector: Youtubers 003/48
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Worthwhile video! I've met a number of "preppers" who think they can operate Ham radios without a license because they won't get caught. To most of them, a Ham radio is an HT. I've encouraged all of them to get a Technician's ticket, but most don't seem to care. Nearly all refuse to take the Technician's license exam because they don't have the time to study or they're afraid they'll fail the exam or because they don't want the FCC to have any information about them. Although I consider myself to be a prepper, I find that I really can't talk communications with most preppers. They are their own worst enemies.



I am a licensed General Amateur radio/GMRS operator. I will follow the fcc rules until its time not too


Absolutely a huge fan of your channel. Look forward to more of your prepper themed videos.


Now THIS is why I started down the HAM road. THIS!


Ordered my 30 $ radio and want to learn more. This has been the best video I watched on starting out.


Excellent video...upgrading from Tech to general in 2024.


Nice basic video Bob, looking forward to the next one. You were correct about the FTDX 10. Had it for about a week now, freaking amazing.


This was the Q&A video i was looking for. Thank you, alot of questions answered.


Interesting video. Thanks. I would add...

Before things go bad, you will find if you do not have a callsign, no one will answer you on a ham frequency.

Take a listen. It doesn't happen. You might get interrogated, maybe lectured, but ultimately ignored.

In getting your license, you'll know stuff useful to *post-fan-hitting scenarios.*

Two priorities will be:
- Learn how to check-in to, and participate in, nets.
- Learn how to create and pass message traffic.

Whatever you imagine doing with a UV5R in a grid-down situation, please know that those two items will become priorities for ham frequency use, so the time to practice is now.

Being recognized by name and by voice-- not just callsign -- will go a long way to becoming a welcome part of any local emergency response. And of course, many hams train for those scenarios, so train with us.

I suspect the first few days of "grid down, " will find handhelds a nuisance-- to everybody. Meanwhile, hams with power and antennas at altitude will be establishing simplex matrixes for passing traffic which handhelds will only be useful in receiving, but not transmitting.

Also, if you are worried about being on a government list, weigh that against the benefit of learning how to at least READ CW (Morse Code). You won't hear CW on an FM radio. But that is likely going to be a major source of information.

Get licensed. Get on the air. Work towards at least a General License so that you can use AM, SSB (Single SideBand), and learn the skills with radios far more capable and useful than a handheld. I love my handhelds, but they are NOT going to be my primary communications tools after the fan is hit.


First timer, that was one mad beautiful bass groove intro.


I’ve been a ham since the 90’s and enjoyed this video.


Nice work Mate, I am glad to see a Ham cutting through the BS and offering good simple advice to none Ham Preppers ! Cheerz from Downunder ⚡🙏⚡


Great video. Excellent point on the HF side about just knowing how to listen. I never got my general but have been listening on HF for years. Obviously in the scenarios being mentioned, licenses mean nothing. Tons of people have the tools but don't practice.


Just discovered your channel and this video is very helpful and interesting for someone with basically zero knowledge in the subject. Our family bought 12 of the My Emergency Radios claiming to be for SHTF. We are scattered 40 to 50 miles apart in our area. This company claims to use repeaters and will be active in a grid down situation. Are you familiar with this? Maybe a good video. We are still waiting to receive them for regular testing. Thanks


Thank you for this video. It's informative and helpful. 73. This is Joel - DW2KBF, Philippines.


Bob - First time to the channel. Thank you for this informative introduction.
I'm coming late to the game of HAM radio operation, and am looking forward to getting licensed and learning a lot.
I live in a suburban Ohio progressive enclave (surrounded by no less than 4 universities, filled with lefty academics) and have been watching the general destabilization and demoralization of the country for many years.
There are few people I know of here that I can discuss these matters with - most are brainwashed sleepers.
Maybe I will find an escape route to a rural community where I can live out the rest of my senior years with some peace and sanity.
God bless you sir.


It's is because I am a (pr3pp3r) that I got into ham. It's a difficult area for me but last Saturday I upgraded to Extra. 👏👏👏👏👏
Extra class was never on my radar but it happened. And I give the video a thumbs up.


Hi this is the first time I see a show I always wanted to get a ham license and I found out about this price ham radio preppers and it seems to be pretty good I'm getting a lot of advice I understand I can take classes on here what's also great is it doesn't need an infrastructure good day


Got my tech license last week. Now studying for the general exam. Have a Feng 17 pro gps for under $30. Have a mobile on the way for install in the ole diesel to go along with my cb. Although long distance DX is cool, it's not my interest. Knowing what is going on in and around my town and state are my concerns. Already have a cb station setup in our garage, situation room. SSB on 11m will do just fine.


Prepping is the "gateway drug" to Ham Radio 😊.
