W. MI volunteers help with Kentucky flood clean up

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Clean up continues in parts of Kentucky after last month's deadly floods. The American Red Cross is helping with relief efforts, including volunteers from West Michigan. (Aug. 5, 2022)
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P *4 of 4* The homeless can simply move the tents they are using now into the homeless-village. Or the _Shelter 100_ is a $9, 500 shelter that is climate controlled, built in one hour, is 100 sq. ft., and uses a folding bunk system to house up to four beds. *_Pallet Shelter's_* private sleeping cabins offer *security* and durability. Which addresses the concerns of the homeless who reject the restrictions of “bed-only” homeless-shelters; for only one night.


P 1 of 4* Cities can eliminate homeless tent cities by replacing them with *homeless-communities* using _Pallet Shelter's_ existing *homeless shelter village components.* The _Community Room_ sells for $37, 000 and serves as a shared laundry room, restaurant, *child daycare center, * and addiction services center. The _Bathroom_ cost $35, 000 and the _Services Office_ costs $9, 000. So for only $81, 000 a city can establish a *homeless village.* The 10'X10' *Camping Cube Sport Pop Up Tent* costs only $120 and provides protection from the elements.


P *2 of 4* Cities are spending millions of dollars to open and run homeless bed shelters; that the homeless reject due to the many restrictions and lack of security. _Pallet Shelter's_ two person _Shelter 64_ cost only $7, 000 and provides a dignified, secure sleeping base of operation. So for only $201, 000 [$120 tents] a city can establish and run a *Homeless Shelter Village* with 1000 shelters that can accommodate 4, 000 beds!


P *3 of 4* Those with income pay rent which is 10% of their net income to the homeless-village for their 2 person _Shelter 64;_ and 20% of their net income as rent for the 4 person _Shelter 100._ Their rent money goes to pay for: *childcare for working parents, * one free meal per day, and addiction services; in the community-room.


D With subsidized for the homeless electric-cargo-bikes at all bus stops from companies like: _Wheels, Lime, Link, and Veo_ in the city and at the homeless encampment; so the working homeless can get to work. *Which are large 1, 000 people disaster relief centers.* With trucked in water. Shared laundry, toilet, cooking, and shower-facilities. With restaurants, post office, and stores; just like a large campground.


*Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.* _Deny instincts to be cruel._ *Think before you speak and choose to be kind.* Choose to be charitable. *Know that there is a Holy Trinity. So be brave. Have faith. Be humble.* Find the courage to grasp a *real-man's* first obligation; to protect his family and the entire planet from being injured and killed; due to the bottomless greed of Satan's minions. Amen.


*Paragraph 4 of 4.* 89 million Americans is 27% of the *working* population! Or a $50, 000 a year stipend for 40 million American families of 4 making less than $15 an hour; *so that they are NOT made permanently homeless.* Amen.


P A of Parts A-F *Due to the destruction of housing* caused by [CRAGW] extreme weather events; there are housing shortages all over America which *is causing rent increases; and even more homelessness!* The FEMA operated homeless-communities do not require residents to check out, there is no sign-in and sign-out issues as they are long-term shelters; which provide the privacy of individual living spaces. Where the shelter residents can fell safe from the other camp residences. *Which removes many of the objections those homeless living in tents who refuse to use city established homeless-shelters; have voiced.*


*More people should offer their solutions; rather then their complaints.* _Christian charity and kindness ends procrastination._ The food markets throw out, like fried chicken thrown out every 4 hours, should first be put out on high, covered-trays for those making only $11 an hour and working part-time with no healthcare and dental benefits.


Unfortunately for millions of Americans in order to survive, those made homeless, due to failed Republican polices, will have to lower their standard of living dramatically and live in modest accommodations. Such as _Pallet Shelter's_ *Shelter 64* which sleeps two in a private cabin. Placed in combination with _Pallet Shelter's_ other components: *Community Room, * Bathroom, and Services Office; to form an entire *Homeless Shelter Village.* Where rent is 10% of net income for the 2 person shelter and 20% for the four person shelter. Which goes to providing _one free meal a day_ and *childcare* so that the working poor can go to work: in the Community Room.


Message to Biden
You are not welcome in Kentucky
Take your new green deal and flush it down your green commode.
