DBD Survivor Stereotypes 2.0

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This is my updated tier list for the stereotypes that I have of every Dead by Daylight Survivor (including the Legendary skins) from my perspective as a Killer main. All rankings are my own subjective opinion based on my personal experiences and only intended to have fun.
On November 22, 2022, Behaviour released DBD's 26th Chapter DLC - Forged in Fog - which brings a new Killer named the Knight and a new Survivor, Vittorio Toscano.
#IntotheFog #DeadByDaylight #DBD
00:00 Intro
01:38 D Tier
03:04 C Tier
05:04 B Tier
09:02 A Tier
14:20 S Tier
17:26 Conclusion
On November 22, 2022, Behaviour released DBD's 26th Chapter DLC - Forged in Fog - which brings a new Killer named the Knight and a new Survivor, Vittorio Toscano.
#IntotheFog #DeadByDaylight #DBD
00:00 Intro
01:38 D Tier
03:04 C Tier
05:04 B Tier
09:02 A Tier
14:20 S Tier
17:26 Conclusion
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