DBD Survivor Stereotypes 2.0

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This is my updated tier list for the stereotypes that I have of every Dead by Daylight Survivor (including the Legendary skins) from my perspective as a Killer main. All rankings are my own subjective opinion based on my personal experiences and only intended to have fun.


On November 22, 2022, Behaviour released DBD's 26th Chapter DLC - Forged in Fog - which brings a new Killer named the Knight and a new Survivor, Vittorio Toscano.

#IntotheFog #DeadByDaylight #DBD

00:00 Intro
01:38 D Tier
03:04 C Tier
05:04 B Tier
09:02 A Tier
14:20 S Tier
17:26 Conclusion
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Steve's in the sailor looking outfit tend to be the most legendary survivors I've ever gone against. They're there to give you hell and to test your limits. Lol.


Alessa and Cheryl ARE technically the same person, however Alessa is younger and Cheryl is seen as her reincarnation. It's complicated, but they pass as the same person.


I always found it interesting how survivors can mix perks however they want on any character, yet almost always will pick a survivor that fits the theme of their build.


All the expirences i have with the boon lady is her hiding all game going back to the very same totem i snuff every time while her team slowly looses hook states while she has none then catching her at the exit gate when she is the last one left
EDIT: i am a bill main and it pains me when i see people who leave their team to die so i have a big grudge with her.


As a Rebecca main I can confirm that we are mostly never toxic we love to help the team and just be the support of the team.


Bill’s for me are a mixed bag. They are either really good or really really bad. You also forgot the terrifying Jeryl. People who played that had nothing to lose


Leon players are so cute 😭 A lot of failed flashlight saves, accidentally throwing pallets, bumping into things…


I’m very happy to see Yui and Rebecca make it to S Tier. And yes I can confirm as a Yui main we’re almost never toxic.


Can confirm as a rebecca main that we always try to make sure our team is healthy and safe.


As a Bill main that saved a Rebecca from late hook while I was dead on hook and noed was up I confirm that's true


as a Re2 Leon main I agree you're completely right I have no idea what I'm doing in this game


Actually there is Claudette type 3. It's flashlight Claudette xd chasing the killer, go for 30x times flashlight saves, 3+ gens loop, and get tunneled, facecamped


As a Yui main, I tend to do what my team needs me to do and try to be ready for everything, be it slamming gens, taking the killer for a walk when I have the least hook stages, getting a sabo/breakout play on a deathhook teammate, going for a rescue when nobody else is going, all the while ensuring the killer doesn't get frustrated with me and has fun too.. I've noticed killers can appreciate me and there can be mutual respect, which always makes me happy. T-bags are reserved for genuinely toxic killers who deserve it, and even then I rarely do it.


can’t believe I’m a chase oriented re4 Leon main, you literally captured my whole personality, I don’t like doing gens but my friends are usually fine with that (unless it’s a 3 gen situation, then I get to work)


I feel like most people despise Leon and Steve players. Surprised to see them both so high and I play both of them lol.


You've earned a new sub from this Re4 Leon main!


As a Kate main I think you summed us up perfectly lol


When I play survivor claudette is a solid A tier for me, but somehow when I play killer almost all claudettes I play against are toxic. She belongs to the survivors who insulted me the most as a killer.


I will say, I heard in one of my games that the killer was getting toxic messages from the Yui on my team. But as a Yui main, I am glad to hear otherwise.


In my experience, a few Leon players i’ve met try to be toxic but are bad at the game, just a few of them i’ve met. It’s hard for me to assign a stereotype to a character because i once met a 4 squad of David players that were really bad in chase but did their best, and then there was this one david who had a build that revolved around staying hidden and opening the exit gates as the last survivor (he tbagged too, which really baffled me, he let his team die just to open the exit gates with sole survivor and wake up)
