It’s Lonely At The Top - Why?

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Very refreshing to hear your pov! It is very lonely being at the top - but the Intimacy for all of Life continues to grow and blossom..

The SPIRIT OF LIGHT only continues to shine-on!

Gracefully giving light to everything!

Thank you, 😊

I Love being in nature... It grounds this Higher knowing..



I hear you. I see you. I ackowledge and share your view. It is like flying above the waves and sometimes descending gently into them, and at other times crashing into them. And like all things phenomenal, everything resolves to paradox. But, you never see old photographs of prairie land pioneers smiling : ) Lot's of love to you good Sir.


I've been watching for about 4 years. Came across you randomly, and it's funny because we think very similar. When I am around others who find pleasure in distracting themselves with bs, it's odd to me. It's very lonely and frustrating. However, as you said, you learn that it is all for a reason. Awareness is beyond family and friends, sometimes I find what I am seeking in complete strangers. Especially when I'm lost. All luv G


Lee I love your videos. I can't wait till you put out more each and every one you put out and excited to listen to I know you don't know me but my name is Tony and I've listened to almost every one of your videos at least twice specially this one. You and I think exactly alike. I think exactly like you do and I understand what you're saying completely 110%. I feel the same way and I know we're here for a purpose where hundreds of miles apart from each other and I feel exactly like you. I have hit that plateau myself word feels like no one understands you but I do. Your spiritual warrior my friend you don't think like everybody else. And that is such a good thing. It's so refreshing to hear points of you from people who think as deeply as you do I share that with


Resonating! Find joy in nature (which I"m sure you already do) and smile!!! 😁❤️🌟 xxx


Good to see you around. Alot of people let me see their lack of compassion during the holidays. So being solo at times was necessary, as blocking out the negative reduced the equation down to one.


I feel the same way to know I'm not alone on this path of loneliness. You're very uplifting!!!!


12:57 You could arrange a MeetUp with like-minded people, or just have regular voice/video group chats when distance is an issue.


for me it started 3 years ago, I am 26 now(I am a man)...

the state I am in now, is the worst I have ever felt... its been weeks now

I think I am going to adapt soon, as I have done it in the past moments...

I just mentally lost all connection to the people around me and even relatives...

its a scary feeling


Never stop searching for the truth, there is something incredible going on here if we look close enough, and you're absolutely right, love is all you need. Good to see you again!


I now exactly what you mean, I feel absolutely the same it’s really challenging sometimes to be so lonely but don’t forget just because you feel it doesn’t mean it is true, we are out here and from time to time we will meet for a short period of time.
You are not alone and beautiful like you are. Keep it up Brother🕉️💙


Well, interesting thoughts. Bonne année. As someone who experienced this kind of high level i can relate and say that you're not alone. Always new things to learn. Learning to navigate to find the right balance. And since it's about energy, divine light and love, it's all about being this and navigating around this. People, beings of love to elevate. There's a lot of light to share, to interact with in so many things.
Hosanna 🕊️☀️


I agree, with you. I am at this point in my life as well. I also, have focused on evolving love within and without. To be the example of hope for others. Yet it is lonely, and sad to see others create self suffering. However, I believe that is why we are here. To help other choose love over fear, truly seeing the good in all. I always think of what the world will be like in 2, 5, or 10 years from now. You are creating more and doing more than you know for our future evolution. We are all here together on this journey. If you ever want to chat, or have a true friend, I am here for you! Sending my love always!


You came into my life 😂 nah fr tho thanks bro


When you become love, and see the imperfections around you, that to me is what loneliness feels like.


4:31 I’m very much “bored” by this cycling entertainment. I understand that this may be a thing that comes with age, but I seem to have gravitated towards more ASMR thunderstorm stuff to be entertaining or certain podcasts instead. Sometimes I enjoy the John Hopkins Research center psilocybin healing playlists.. check into those! My constant is the band Tool, however. But yep, I can relate 💯


I was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing last night so this video is a synchronicity for me since we haven't even met but are obviously connected on some spiritual level


Mind over matter, you're correct


I suggest creating a discord channel sir! It would be a great place for those who want to meet others like us.


All is one and one is all, life is the reflection of thysoul
