Charis Daily Live Bible Study: Supernatural Marriage - Mike and Carrie Pickett - February 16, 2021

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That s so helpful and " salty", creating sth in me..Christ is dwelling in my Heart! wow!!


Praise God for the wonderful couple in the Lord !


two partners if they know who they are in Christ, , i think it will reduce the self centered, , so it's changes their battle in flesh and to be in the spirit, , and each one can experience God's love and the fruits of spirit, , , I love you so much and I appreciate what God puts in your heart for changing the world, , karibuni TANZANIA


My husband says that I should submit to him in all things. I struggle with this. I know God asks me to do this and learning but there is some confusion. Before we were married I was a very independent person. I sometimes agree to things that in my eyes are not a big deal, but to him they are. Example, I was offered Christian concert tickets from a coworker. I accepted them. I thought it was a very nice gesture. I accepted them knowing my husband more than likely would not go. I accepted them because I thought my kids would love it. I put the pressure on myself to either find someone to go with me or just give the tickets back or find someone else that would want them. I struggle because our personalities are so different. My husband is a home body and I am the complete opposite. The only time he takes me out to do anything together is for our anniversary. Thankful for at least that, but its very hard sometimes. I have two young boys at home and we don't do anything outside of the home as a family. It has been several years. I am the one that takes the kids out on occasion because if I didn't we wouldn't go anywhere. I handle things differently than him. I want to give him the respect he wants and deserves, but I also feel like I can't make any decisions on my own without a fight from him.


Carrie rockin her new hair extensions 😂


The opportunity fr conflict can be more if the person is unbeleiver nd wants to dominate in every situation.thn how can the believing person of that marriage receive the redemption which Christ has provided??


But what if the person is unbeleiver?nd says no there is no God at all?


If the husband is unbeliver, then how will he hear frm GOD?nd does not like his wife to follow or be in this christian faith, nd does not want her to read her bible, or go to church.nd does not allow any kind Pryr meetings at home.then what the wife should do??


Yes women can understand other woman, but r rarely found.nd some can easily become selfish.nd seek themselves.


But in India there r mostly arranged marriages.nd the father decides, nd fixes the marriage.
